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Five Aspects of Kaos That Might or Might Not be from Greek Myth

Five Aspects of Kaos That Might or Might Not be from Greek Myth

By Emily Hauser /The Conversation Kaos is a modern-day, darkly comic reworking of Greek myth. If, like me, you got hooked on it, you might be wondering what was actually taken from myth and what was...
Jeff Goldblum plays Zeus in Kaos

‘Netflix’s Kaos is the Cleverest Retelling of Greek Mythology I’ve Ever Seen’

By Ellie Mackin Roberts /The Conversation Last year, one of my child’s English assignments was to rewrite a traditional fairy tale with one major plot difference, to see how the story might play out...
Stone head of Zeus, found in ancient Aphrodisias, Turkey	Source: Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey

Zeus Discovery in Ancient Aphrodisias: "As if He Were a Breathing God"

The ancient city of Aphrodisias, located in the Geyre neighborhood of Karacasu district in Aydın province, western Turkey, has long been celebrated for its exceptional marble sculptures. Recently,...
The summit of Mount Ellanio was used by Myceneans fleeing the Bronze Age collapse and used as a refuge. Source: Greek Ministry of Culture.

Discoveries at Mt Ellanio Reveal Mycenean Refuge from the Bronze Age Collapse

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists has been investigating the tallest mountain on the Greek island of Aegina since 2021: Mount Ellanio. Overlooking the Saronic Gulf, the peak holds the...
Black-figured runners with the torch. AI Illustration in the ancient Greek style.  Source: sebos / Adobe Stock

The Olympics Saga: How the Olympics Came to Be (Video)

The ancient Olympics, originating in 776 BC in Olympia , Greece, were deeply ingrained in the fabric of Greek society. Held every four years in honor of Zeus, the games featured a range of events...
Chronos and His Child, by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli. Source: Public Domain

The Weirdest Stories from Greek Mythology (Video)

Exploring the lesser-known and often peculiar narratives from ancient Greek folklore unveils a realm of bizarre tales that captivate the imagination. From the primordial chaos to the tumultuous...
Centauromachy - Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs by Luca Giordano, The Hermitage. Source: Public Domain

Centauromachy - the Fabled Clash Between Lapiths and Centaurs

Centauromachy is a unique and captivating tale woven into the complex tapestry of Ancient Greek mythology. It stands as a timeless narrative packed with themes of conflict, ancient civilizations, and...
The battle between the gods and the Titans. Source: Pubic Domain

What Caused the War of the Titans in Greek Mythology? (Video)

The War of the Titans , a tumultuous saga in Greek mythology, unfolds like a cosmic drama, blending familial strife, ruthless ambition, and the inescapable pull of destiny. Kronos, the cunning Titan...
Left: 2nd century AD sculpture, small replica of the Athena Parthenos of Phidias. Right: Artist’s impression of Zeus sculpture by Phidias. 	Source: Left; George E. Koronaios/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Public Domain

The Greatest Colossal Statues of Ancient Greece (Video)

Ancient Greece boasts some of the most remarkable colossal statues, with the works of the renowned sculptor Phidias taking center stage. Born between 480 and 430 BC, Phidias left an indelible mark on...
Pergamon Altar of Zeus in modern-day Turkey. Right; one of the friezes from the altar.	Source: Left; cem/Adobe Stock Right; Miguel Hermoso Cuesta/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Pergamon Altar: Where Legends Come to Life

Nestled in the serene landscape of ancient Pergamon, a city that once flourished in the Hellenistic and Roman eras, lies a remarkable testament to human craftsmanship and religious devotion: the...
Statue of Hera and Zeus at Panathenaic stadium, Athens. (Sean Wallace-Jones / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Olympia: Site Of The Sacred Hieros Gamos

Long before the Greek Olympic Games became the dominion of a male god, ancient symbolism was embedded in the Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage ceremony) practiced at Olympia, a sanctuary in a serene...
Amber’s beauty and utility has been recognized since Neolithic times, being used in jewelry as well as medicine. Source: HJSchneider / Adobe Stock

Amber Through the Ages: Origin Myths, Medical Uses, and Beautiful Baubles

Amber, or succinite as a mineralogist might call it, hails from simple beginnings. It is simply fossilized tree sap. For something so humble, it has managed to captivate the human imagination for...
Zeus, Greek god of Mount Olympus, Source: matiasdelcarmine / Adobe Stock

The Greek God Zeus: The Insatiable Womanizer of Mount Olympus

“Then Zeus no longer held back his might; but straight his heart was filled with fury and he showed forth all his strength. From Heaven and from Olympus he came forthwith, hurling his lightning: the...
Chiron is described as the wisest and noblest of the centaurs. After being taught archery by Apollo, he mentored many Greek heroes. Source: pict rider / Adobe Stock

Chiron, the Noble Elder Centaur of Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is full of weird and wonderful creatures. While the most famous were those sent to hinder the ancient Greek heroes, Greek mythology was also full of helpful creatures. Perhaps the...
The terrifying sea monster Charybdis was the cause of deadly whirlpools in Greek mythology. Source: DaemonTheDemon / CC BY SA

Charybdis: The Terrifying Whirlpool Monster of Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is full of fascinating monsters. One of the most powerful and dangerous of these was the sea monster, Charybdis. Charybdis was not just a monster, she was a force of nature who...
Bronze statue of Nike, Greek goddess of victory, on Austrian Parliament roof in Vienna, Austria	(neurobite / Adobe Stock)

Nike, Greek Goddess of Victory and Zeus’s Charioteer of Glory

Of all the Greek pantheon, none enjoys better brand recognition than Nike. Unless one is a true history buff, the word Nike is more likely to evoke mental images of sneakers than Greek mythology. It...
The cyclopes were one-eyed mythological giants of ancient Greece. But did the myth originate from elephant skulls like this?   Source: Left; John Cummings, CC BY-SA 3.0, Right; bigjom/ Adobe Stock

Were Cyclopes Legends Inspired by Ancient Elephant Skulls?

Ancient Greek mythology is full of fantastic beasts and monsters. One of the most famous examples is the brutal one-eyed race of giants, the cyclopes. Several different cyclopes appeared in various...
Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night, who was feared even by Zeus. Source: Brenda Clarke / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night

The Ancient Greek pantheon of gods is large and can be hard to keep track of. Greek mythology has seeped into pop culture in such a way that most people these days have at least a passing knowledge...
Argos Panoptes, the all-seeing giant of Greek mythology. Source: matiasdelcarmine / Adobe Stock

Argos Panoptes – The All-Seeing Giant of Greek Mythology

Argos Panoptes was one of the primordial giants of Greek mythology. His epithet Panoptes means “the one who is all-seeing” and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. Although Panoptes...
The mythological painting Cronus and his child by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, which in some myths has Cronus eating his children to take their "time,” because he somehow ended up as the “model” for Father Time. Source: Giovanni Francesco Romanelli / Public domain

Cronus: The Titan Harvest God and Erroneously The Titan Time God

Cronus, the Titan of Time is often depicted today as Father Time. However, the original Greek myth has few, if any, actual links between Cronus and time. Whilst he is never named in the records of...
Representation of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis in the wood hunting. Source: gilitukha/ Adobe Stock

Don’t Mess with the Chaste Huntress and Greek Goddess Artemis

The ancient Greek goddess Artemis was many things to many people. A huntress, virgin, midwife, twin, independent woman, protector, plague-bearer… the list goes on and on. Her appearance did not...
The Lamia demon terrified ancient Greeks. Source: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock

The Lamia of Ancient Greek Mythology: The Original Bogeyman

Ancient Greek mythology is absolutely full of things that go bump in the night. It’s one of the many reasons Greek mythology is still so popular today. How many films, novels, and video games take...
The Greek goddess Eris inspired fear in everyone	Source: Likozor / Adobe Stock

Eris: The Gleeful Greek Goddess of Chaos and Discord

Many of the Greek gods and goddesses enjoyed inflicting in pain, suffering, and destruction, but few took as much joy in it as Eris. Eris was the Greek goddess of chaos, strife, and discord...
Cadmus, the first Greek hero and founder of Thebes, fighting the dreaded dragon in a painting by Hendrick Goltzius. Source: Hendrik Goltzius / Public domain

Cadmus: The Amazing Tale of the First Greek Hero and It’s Horrible End

Out of all the pantheons, the exuberant deities of the ancient Greeks are perhaps the most iconic of all. For generations, imaginations have been enflamed and inspired by the sumptuous mix of high...
