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Egyptian pharaoh on a throne. Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock.

Were Egyptian Pharaohs as Mighty as They Seemed? (Video)

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In the shadows of the ancient temple of Medinet Habu, the grandiosity of Egyptian pharaohs is etched into stone, portraying them as formidable conquerors. Dr. Chris Naunton scrutinizes the depictions, revealing scenes of brutal battles where pharaohs, seemingly invincible, subjugate their foes. Yet, caution is warranted when interpreting these scenes. The temple murals, elaborate and imposing, serve as idealized visions rather than accurate historical records. The grand narrative of triumphant pharaohs, hands firm in victory, contrasts with the sobering reality uncovered in Cairo's Museum.

Examining the mummified remains of warrior pharaohs like Thutmose III, the evidence raises skepticism. Despite reputations as great warriors, the mummies betray a lack of battlefield scars. Dr. Shepherd's forensic analysis challenges the heroic tales, pointing to inconsistencies. Only Second Intermediate Period's Seqenenre bears wounds from a battle axe, yet forensic incongruities cast doubt. Dr. Shepherd's analysis highlights the absence of defensive injuries, challenging the notion that Seqenenre faced adversaries in the midst of chaotic warfare. This enigma hints that perhaps these revered leaders were not at the forefront of the battlefield but rather distant orchestrators of war, their mighty personas a carefully crafted facade.

Top image: Egyptian pharaoh on a throne. Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock.

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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