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Egypt’s Edfu temple with its passage lined by two glowing walls full of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Source: Konstantin/Adobe Stock

Who Are The Lost Gods Of Ancient Egypt? (Video)

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Exploring the ancient Egyptian pantheon reveals gods manifested in wood, paint, and stone, shaping a rich tapestry of beliefs. Shifting from a myriad of deities to the revolutionary era centered on Osiris, the afterlife becomes inclusive, challenging the exclusivity tied to Pharaohs. The art and architecture, exemplified by Djoser's stepped pyramid and the colossal Giza complex, stand as timeless expressions of a civilization deeply rooted in spiritual convictions. Saqqara's transition from modest mastabas to grand pyramids marks not only a change in burial practices but a profound cultural metamorphosis.

The meticulous mummification process, utilizing washing soda and bread soda, underscores the Egyptians' pursuit of eternal life. Akhenaten's bold departure towards monotheism, altering artistic depictions and closing revered temples, reflects the transient nature of religious doctrines. With foreign empires looming, Alexander the Great intertwines Greek influences, and the subsequent Roman conquest signals the fading glory of Egypt's gods. The last hieroglyphic, etched with the Roman arrival, symbolizes the end of an era. In the rhythmic ebb and flow of time, the once-mighty gods of ancient Egypt succumb to inevitable change, leaving behind a legacy intricately woven into the fabric of human history.

Top image: Egypt’s Edfu temple with its passage lined by two glowing walls full of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Source: Konstantin/Adobe Stock                   

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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