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The 1,500-year-old Roman mosaic depicting people enjoying a pre-hunt party. Source: DHA

Mosaic Depicts 1,500-Year-Old Roman Party Scene

Archaeologists have found the remains of 1500-year-old architectural structures, baths, and a mosaic during the seventh stage of excavations in the ancient city of Germanicia in Turkey’s southeastern...
Mithridates expertly used symbology to appeal to the multiple factions of his coalition. Source: Fernando Cortés / Adobe Stock.

A Master of Symbology: How Mithridates Eupator United the Foes of Rome

Pop culture usually depicts the relationship between Greeks and the East as tumultuous. This is due mainly to the three wars Greece fought against Persia, featured in films like 300 by Zack Snyder...
Uncovered bulls head from the northeast platform in building 77 at Çatalhöyük. Source: Çatalhöyük Research Project / CC BY-NC 4.0

How Domesticated Cattle Changed Life in Çatalhöyük

Those who have studied Çatalhöyük are aware that cattle appear to have been a hugely important animal in the Neolithic Central Anatolian town of Çatalhöyük East on the Konya Plain in modern-day...
Polish diplomat Robert D. Rokicki points to where he believes the ancient city of Thebasa is located.		Source: Anadolu Agency

Amateur History Sleuth Finds Long-Lost City of Thebasa in Turkey

A Polish diplomat assigned to his country’s embassy in Ankara, Turkey has helped solve an archaeological and historical riddle that has puzzled scholars for more than two centuries. Accomplishing a...
At the end of 2021 Turkish archaeologists found 14 incredible artifacts from the Byzantine-Sassanid War of 602-628 AD in the ancient city of Uzuncaburç, in Mersin Province.		Source: Anadolu Agency

Southern Turkey Artifacts Dated to 7th-century Byzantine-Sassanid War

In February of 2021, a restoration project was launched under the aegis of Ümit Aydınlıoğlu, associate professor at Mersin University, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General...
A recent PNAS study has revealed the extent of the Tera eruption's tsunami wave destruction across the northern Aegean based on Late Bronze Age skeletons found in northern Turkey. 		Source: MiaStendal / Adobe Stock

Shattered Skeletons of Man and Dog From Eruption and Tsunami 3,600 Years Ago

In 2021, archaeologists recovered the shattered skeletons of a man and a dog at a site in Turkey. Their frames were both smashed to pieces, but not by an act of human violence, but by the force of a...
Overview of Karahan Tepe with the Winter Solstice alignment.	Source: Author provided

Karahan Tepe: Stunning New Discovery of Winter Solstice Sunrise Alignment

A recently excavated archaeological site in the Tek Tek Mountains in the Şanlıurfa Province of Anatolia is shedding new light on the ingenuity and astonishing creativity of the Neolithic people from...
A Turkish archaeologist holding up the 1800-year-old iron Roman cavalry mask found at the ancient garrison town of Hadrianopolis, Turkey.		Source: YouTube screenshot / DHA

Rare Iron Roman Cavalry Face Mask Discovered At Hadrianopolis, Turkey

An 1,800 year old Roman soldier's cavalry face mask has been discovered at a 3rd century AD military site in Turkey. But this site isn’t located in the heart of the Roman empire, but at a far flung...
Taş Tepeler: Anatolia’s Land Of Great Transformation

Taş Tepeler: Anatolia’s Land Of Great Transformation

Taş Tepeler means “Stone Hills” and refers to an area covering some 200 kilometers (124 miles) in ancient Anatolia, now Turkey, in the vicinity of present day Şanlıurfa . The Turkish Tourist Board...
This Stone Age piece of cloth is the oldest cloth in the world ever, but it took 60 years for science to figure out the material used for the oldest textile known to man, which have recently been published in the Antiquity journal. 		Source: Antoinette Rast-Eicher / University of Bern

Anatolian Neolithic Weavers At Çatalhöyük Used Trees to Make The Oldest Cloth

A new study published in the journal Antiquity has revealed some surprising information about the inhabitants of the ancient city of Çatalhöyük, an early Neolithic settlement located in southern...
An archaeologist unearths the statue head of the goddess Aphrodite in the ancient city of Aizanoi in Turkey. Source: Anadolu Agency

Decapitated Statues of Greek Deities Finally Reunited with Their Heads

Excavations at western Anatolia’s ancient Greek city of Aizanoi (also spelt Aezani) continue to unearth stunning artifacts and architectural wonders. The latest in the series of fascinating finds...
The right side of the Neolithic Anatolian stone relief depicting a male figure holding his phallus in the middle with leopards on either side.

Hard to Grasp Relief of Man Holding His Phallus Found in Turkey

The latest excavations at a Neolithic site in Turkey’s southeastern province of Şanlıurfa in the Anatolia region have brought to light a fascinating five-figure relief dating to the Neolithic period...
A bronze statue of Lama, Lamma, or Lamassu, an Assyrian protective deity that became one of the Urartian gods.	Source: EvgenyGenkin / CC BY-SA 4.0

Who Were The Enigmatic Urartian Gods?

One of the more enigmatic entities of ancient history, Urartu rose to power in the 9th century BC, spreading its influence around illustrious Van Lake in present-day Turkey. From the start, Urartu...
The entrance to this ancient Lycian rock-cut tomb in Turkey was recently blasted open with dynamite!		Source: Yenisafak

Looters Blast Open 2500-year-old Lycian Rock-cut Tombs in Turkey

Hoping, perhaps, to lay their hands on something comparable to the famed Elmali Treasures, looters used explosives to break through the entrance of a 2,500-year-old Lycian rock-cut tomb in the Elmali...
Archaeologists at work in the ancient city of Doliche, Gaziantep, southeastern Turkey, in October 2021.

Excavations at Historic Doliche, Turkey Reveal Ancient Religious Diversity

Located in southeastern Turkey just north of the city of Gaziantep, the village of Doliche (Dülük) at first glance seems small and unremarkable. But it is one of the oldest human settlements in the...
A human head in an ancient wall at the Karahantepe site in Turkey.  Source: Ancient Architects / YouTube screenshot

Early Artistic Skills Amaze at Turkey’s Neolithic Karahantepe Site

Turkey’s Karahantepe site (also written as Karahan Tepe) is believed to be nearly 11,500 years old, and some of the recent finds are truly sensational. Archaeologists have recently discovered early...
The temple of Zeus has been found amongst the ruins of the ancient city Magnesia (Magnesia on the Maeander), Turkey       Source: lic0001 / Adobe Stock

Temple of Zeus Gate Rises In Turkey’s Magnesia on the Maeander

Archaeologists in Turkey have excavated the entrance gate the Temple of Zeus at Magnesia. The site of Magnesia on the Maeander is relatively unknown in the annals of Aegean Region archaeological...
Archaeologists clean the motifs on the walls of a tomb found in the ancient city of Blaundus, Turkey.	Source: Anadolu Agency

Four Hundred 2,000-year-old Rock Tombs Found in Blaundus, Anatolia

The ancient city of Blaundus, an erstwhile Roman episcopal city in the Roman province of Lydia (modern-day Anatolia), which is within contemporary Turkish borders, has just witnessed a spectacular...
Aerial view of the Pergamon Acropolis and huge Pergamon Amphitheater, Izmir Province, Turkey.      Source: Tarik GOK / Adobe Stock

Excavations Reveal Pergamon Amphitheater Had Reserved ‘Box Seats’

Which sports and entertainment fan today hasn’t yearned for box seats or VIP seating for their favorite concert? Despite the needle of time ticking away through these centuries, some things don’t...
Main: Ruins of an old fortress tower in Assos. Source: frenta / Adobe Stock. Inset: The machete blade found in Assos excavations. Credit: AA (via Daily Sabah)

1,300-Year-Old Machete and Ax Unearthed In Ruins of Assos, Turkey

Assos is a seriously pillaged and neglected ancient metropolis in Turkey. Many of the city’s greatest treasures today adorn European museums. Thus, the discovery of two ancient metal blades has made...
Urfa man

Voices of the Dead: The Strange Origins of Eye Idols

Urfa man, known formally as the Balikligöl statue, is the oldest human-size statue of a man discovered in the world to date. He is currently housed in Şanliurfa’s Archeology Museum, Southeast Turkey...
Prehistoric Guennol Stargazer Idol to Stay in the US, Court Rules

Prehistoric Guennol Stargazer Idol to Stay in USA, Court Rules

After eight steamy days in a U.S. court, it was ruled that a 6,000-year-old artifact will stay in the country. A Manhattan judge firmly rejected Turkish antiquities authorities’ claim for the return...
Who Was Shahmaran? Lover, Trickster, Ancient Persian Snake Lady

Who Was Shahmaran? Lover, Trickster, Ancient Persian Snake Lady

Shahmaran is the name given to a mythical creature found in the various cultures of the Middle East, in particular, those of the eastern Anatolian region of Turkey. According to the folklore of these...
Reliefs of the Greco-Persian Wars found in the ancient city of Daskyleion western Turkey. Source: Anadolu Agency

2,500-Year-Old Reliefs Found in Turkey Portray Greco-Persian Wars

Archaeologists digging at the site of the ancient Anatolian city of Daskyleion in northwestern Turkey were delighted to discover skillfully carved stone reliefs dating back to the fifth century BC...
