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stone age

10,500-year-old cremated bog bones were found in northern Germany. Source: ALSH

10,500-year-old Bones Found in Bog are Germany’s Oldest Human Remains

Archaeologists digging at a Stone Age campsite in northern Germany have found 10,500-year-old cremated human bones. These Mesolithic era ‘bog bones’ are the oldest human remains found so far in...
The Neolithic mass grave found at Vráble, western Slovakia.	Source: Ivan Cheben, Slovak Academy of Sciences / Slovak Spectator

Mass Grave Found in Vráble: Slovakia’s Stone Age Decapitated Victims

Archaeologists digging at a Neolithic settlement site in Vrable, western Slovakia have unearthed a mass grave containing the headless remains of around three dozen people. The Vráble site is one of...
Left: Liang Tebo burial features of the 29000-BC amputee of Borneo, Indonesia: a) A single adult inhumation (TB1); the skull is to the right of the scale bar; Middle: Artist ‘s impression of Tebo1, the oldest amputee on record; Right: Surgically amputated site of the left tibia and fibula showing the evidence of amputation.             Source: Maloney, et al. / Nature; Jose Garcia (Garciartist) and Griffith University / Nature; Maloney, et al. / Nature

Indonesia’s 31,000-year-old Amputee Shatters the History of Surgery

Archaeologists in Borneo, Indonesia have unearthed the skeleton of a man who was an amputee, and he underwent his complicated medical procedure some 31,000 years ago! Until now, all archaeological...
Early medieval weapons and jewelry found in southwestern Germany near the Danube River near Tuttlingen, Germany.

A Rare Stone Age Burial Found Amongst 140 German Medieval Graves

Archaeologists have discovered a rare Stone Age burial containing 5,000-year-old pottery in the Danube valley of southwestern Germany. The Neolithic burial site was found in an area where 140...
Grave 69, of an adult male, on the island of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, who had human bone jewelry in his grave. Human and animal bone pendants were found together with an elk tooth pendant. Source: Tom Björklund / University of Helsinki

Finnish Study Reveals Human Bones Were Used to Make Jewelry in 6,000 BC

During the Late Stone Age, our prehistoric ancestors regularly constructed and presumably wore pendants covered with symbolic images. These pendants were often made out of animal bones and teeth, but...
Stone Age friendship rings found in Finland, made from slate in Russia, broken or refashioned into pendants.	Source: Marja Ahola / University of Helsinki

Slate Stone Age ‘Friendship Rings’ Found in Finland

According to the latest research, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in northeast Europe expertly crafted slate friendship rings some 6,000 years ago. These were produced in copious numbers by many makers in...
Reconstruction of Stone Age woman discovered in Sweden. Source: Oscar Nilsson

Recreating the Face of a 4,000-Year-Old Stone Age Woman

A highly-skilled 3D artist has brought back to life a 4,000-year-old Stone Age woman’s skull. This story can only be written after 300 grueling hours of work by archaeologist and artist Oscar Nilsson...
A rare iron arrowhead dating to AD 300-600 was found at Sandgrovskaret in 2018.	 Source: Espen Finstad/Secrets of the Ice

Reindeer Hunting Relics Found On Ancient Mountain Trail in Norway

Fittingly, archaeologists who explore landscapes exposed by glacial melt are known as glacial archaeologists. In 2018, a team of these specialized experts were dispatched to the ice-covered mountains...
Rock coffin with four children's skeletons, including the dark black dagger in situ. Approximately 4000 years old. (Katrine Ipsen Kjær / ROMU)

Remains of Five Toddlers Found in Ancient Tombs in Denmark

Five children’s bodies have been found in one ancient burial mound in Denmark. But where are all the others? Archaeology is greatly structured on the discovery and recovery of the buildings and...
A massive Neolithic circle has been detected in the landscape of Durrington Walls. Source: offcaania / Adobe Stock

Tests Prove Largest Neolithic Circle in Britain was Definitely Human-Made

In June last year, archaeologists in Britain announced that they had made an amazing discovery near Stonehenge . They detected a massive circular monument near the world-famous Neolithic site. When...
The excavation site and Mesolithic tools. Source: Institute of Archaeology RAS

10,000+ Artifacts, Including Mesolithic Tools, Found in Russia

The Mesolithic Age, i.e., the ‘Middle Stone Age,’ was a transitionary period of the Stone Age that existed between the Upper Palaeolithic and the Neolithic (Old Stone Age and New Stone Age,...
Scientists discovered the northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny island. Source: Innokenty Pavlov/The Siberian Times

Northernmost Palaeolithic Settlement Reveals Mass Butchering of Woolly Mammoths

Scientists and archaeologists have discovered the world’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny Island, 990 kilometers (615 miles) north of the Arctic Circle! Ancient hunters resided on...
The recently discovered menhirs as they stood in the ground when discovered at Saint-Léonard, Switzerland.   Source:

Thirteen Aligned Neolithic Menhirs Discovered in a Small Swiss Town

A group of 13 aligned menhirs believed to be from the Neolithic period have been found in Switzerland’s Valais canton, in the municipality of Saint-Léonard. This discovery was made as part of...
The Stonehenge tunnel is supposed to help traffic in the area. The A303 is in the foreground. Source: diamond geezer / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Stonehenge Tunnel Ruled “Unlawful”

A judge has just ruled on the heavily criticized proposal for a tunnel beneath Stonehenge . He’s quashed the British government’s plans. Campaigners working to save Stonehenge are delighted at the...
Study of Chimpanzee Tool Use Debunks “Chimps in Stone Age” Theory

Study of Chimpanzee Tool Use Debunks “Chimps in Stone Age” Theory

You’ve probably heard some hip podcaster like Joe Rogan, or watched that National Geographic YouTube video , about a chimpanzee spear-fishing. Rogan, along with an alarming number of scientists,...
A woman in the hunter-gatherer Stone Age collecting berries, which could be used for medicine or ancient makeup. The oldest ever evidence of makeup was connected to a ceramic object long thought to be a child's toy from 6,000 years ago in Slovenia!

6,000-year-old Make Up Or Hunter’s Camouflage Cream? You Decide.

Ancient makeup from the Stone Age, a time of hunters and gathers. Really? The world’s media is buzzing with a story about prehistoric Europeans “using makeup,” 6,000 years ago. This discovery could...
Engraved giant deer phalanx from a late Middle Palaeolithic context (layer 4.5) at Einhornhöhle, Lower Saxony, Germany.

51,000-year-old Carving Reveals Neanderthals Produced Art

51,000 years ago, our Stone Age hominin cousins, the Neanderthals, left behind a thoughtfully carved and decorated deer toe bone. This piece of conceptual art found in northern Germany has just been...
‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

In the latest edition of the journal The Innovation , a team of evolutionary scientists led by Professor Qiang Ji from Hebei GEO University in Shijiazhuang, China have announced the discovery of a...
Kenyan Cave Child Grave Declared Africa’s Earliest Human Burial!

Kenyan Cave Child Grave Declared Africa’s Earliest Human Burial!

78,000 years ago someone buried a young child in a cave. Now, researchers say that child’s grave in Kenya is the earliest known example of a deliberate human burial by modern humans in Africa. The...
The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The so-called Chalcolithic - or the Copper Age - is one of the great eras of cultural development, fitting into the main framework of man’s crucial steps towards civilization. This period introduced...
The rabbit hole which produced the prehistoric finds on Skokholm Island.       Source: Richard Brown and Giselle Eagle, WTSWW / Royal Commission RCAHMW).

Burrowing Rabbits Discover Priceless Artifacts On Skokholm Island

On uninhabited Skokholm Island, two miles off the coast of Wales, burrowing rabbits dug out two Stone Age tools and one Bronze Age piece of pottery. Although it was the Skokholm bunnies that...
Stone Age People’s Fascination With Elk Teeth Pendants Examined

Stone Age People’s Fascination With Elk Teeth Pendants Examined

Seeking to unlock the secrets of a long-lost Stone Age society, a team of archaeologists recently performed an in-depth study of more than 4,000 elk teeth pendants currently housed at the Peter The...
Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

A recent analysis of artifacts obtained from North Sea beaches has revealed a surprising fact about life in ancient Europe. It seems that some Ice Age peoples carved weapons from human bones. This...
New Evidence Suggests Early Humans HIBERNATED In Caves, Like Bears

New Evidence Suggests Early Humans HIBERNATED In Caves, Like Bears

Did Stone Age Neanderthals wait out the coldest days of winter snuggled up safely beneath furs deep inside caves, in a state of suspended animation for months while the winds raged, and the snow...
