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King Arthur statue at Tingagel (Deriv/ CC0)

Real World Locations, Where Myth Meets Reality

Mythology presented in books, arts, cartoons and movies have subliminally forged impressions of mythical castles, magical mountains and enchanted forests in people’s minds, but many of the places...
Nestled and sheltered by the mountain ranges, lies the hidden Hunza Valley, inspiration to the Shangri-La legend.

Was Alexander the Great Responsible for Creating Shangri-La in the Hunza Valley in Pakistan?

In his book Lost Horizon (1933) James Hilton created the legend of Shangri-La, a peaceful Himalayan valley of long-lived people. Where the northern border of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan...
fire - Dukezong, Tibet, China

Devastating fire destroys ancient Tibetan town

A fire that raged for nearly 10 hours on Saturday 11th January has burnt down more than two hundred buildings and destroyed countless historical artefacts in the 1,300-year-old ancient Tibetan...