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Saqsayhuaman, Peru.	 Source: SL-Photography / Adobe Stock

Winter Solstice Resurrection At Saqsayhuaman and Newgrange

Two of the Boyne Valley’s most impressive passage mounds — Knowth and adjacent Newgrange — may have functioned together as part of an important initiation ritual, one that survived over three...
Iron Age bog body known today as Old Croghan Man and housed in the National Museum of Ireland. Source: Mark Healey / CC BY-SA 2.0

Unravelling the Story Behind the Old Croghan Man’s Bog Body

Old Croghan Man is the name given to a well-preserved Iron Age bog body that was discovered in County Offaly, Ireland. The bog body derives its name from Croghan Hill , which is situated not far from...
Agape Table at the St. Paul’s Catacombs in Rabat, Malta. Source: etfoto / Adobe Stock

The Mysterious Agape Tables: A Unique Feature of the Maltese Catacombs

The ancient man-made subterranean catacombs of Malta, make up an artificial tunnel system first built in prehistoric times. This vast network of tunnels connects temples, dwellings, sanctuaries and...
Study finds effects of ayahuasca tea match that of placebo. Source: agsandrew / Adobe Stock

Study Finds Hallucinogenic Ayahuasca Tea Trip Matches That of Placebo

About ten years ago, interest in hallucinogenic ayahuasca tea attracted thousands of European and North American tourists to South America, all looking for a trip in the high Andes or steamy Amazon...

The Evil Eye in the Mediterranean: How to Avert Accidental Envy

The ancient Mediterranean belief of the evil eye still has its adherents today. Those who have the “eye” are thought to give bad luck unintentionally to anything or anyone that they are envious of...
Ritual tools found in the mound. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Ritual Tools Used to Honor Goddess Hathor Found in Ancient Egyptian Temple Mound

A team of archaeologists recently tunneled into an ancient temple mound in Kafr El-Sheikh, north of Cairo in Egypt. Surrounding a stone icon depicting the goddess Hathor, a collection of rare ancient...
Two Bronze Age hoards and a wealth of other metallic objects excavated from an archaeological site in Gannat, France          Source: M. Vallée; P.-Y. Milcent; C. Fresillon; E. Trebuchet ; F. Delrieu / TRACES Laboratory

Curious Bronze Age Ritual Hoards Unearthed In France

A team of archaeologists in France were shocked after excavating the two deposits containing rare metallic objects. They realized the items in the two Bronze Age hoards had been carefully selected...
Medieval People Were Reopening Graves, But Not to Rob Them

Medieval People Were Reopening Graves, But Not to Rob Them

In the Middle Ages being dead wasn’t a guarantee you would rest in peace. Researchers have found hundreds of examples of people re-opening graves in cemeteries from Transylvania to southern England...
Giant Water Tank In Italy Linked to Prehistoric Ritual Practices

Giant Water Tank In Italy Linked to Prehistoric Ritual Practices

Scientists applying a precise form of radiocarbon dating technology have successfully dated an important and mysterious below-ground monument located in northern Italy. The prehistoric water tank is...
Experts Still Stumped By Child Buried With A Bird In Its Mouth

Bizarre Burial: Girl With A Bird Skull In Her Mouth

Between the 18th and 19th century in Poland, a child was given an unusual burial involving bird skulls within the Tunel Wielki Cave. A ritualistic burial like this surely would have been a spectacle...
Some of the stone structures found in the Northeastern United States appear man-made.

Did Stone-Age Giants Live in the Champlain and Hudson Valleys?

In the serene woodlands of the Northeastern United States, the Champlain Lake Valley meanders through the landscape, dividing the Adirondack and Green Mountain ranges. As the Champlain Basin ends,...
Iron Age Dagger and 700-Year-Old Village Found in Scotland Beneath Motorway!

Iron Age Dagger and 700-Year-Old Village Found in Scotland Beneath Motorway!

Four buildings, part of a Scottish medieval settlement, discovered beneath a motorway hard shoulder in Scotland in 2016 stood “no chance” of being destroyed over the last 700 years. They were “...
The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

Located between Boscastle and Tintagel , Rocky Valley is a small valley in northern Cornwall , England, carved by the Trevillet River. A site of mystic and historical fascination, it is home to two...
The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

In my recently published book, I write “It is astonishing that so much attention is given to the prehistoric monuments of both Stonehenge and Avebury henge when the remains of a far greater Stone Age...
Photograph showing the bronze oil lamp unearthed in Jerusalem

Rare "Grotesque" Half-Lamp Discovered on Jerusalem’s Holiest Road

Archaeologists in Israel exploring in an ancient building have found rare coins and pottery. But standing sentinel at this dig is a unique lamp that dates back to the Second Temple period, the...
Deadly Plague Epidemic Painting

Child Cemetery in Thessaloniki Sheds Light on Infant Plague Burials

A recent exploration of burial sites in Thessaloniki, Greece, has revealed that dozens of the burials are of children and infants. These poor young souls were not victims of a bloody war or tyrannous...
Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

More than one hundred handprints made by children 1,200 years ago on the walls of a cave in Mexico may have been part of a mysterious coming-of-age ritual of the ancient Maya. Reuters reports that...
A group of three mustatils.

Mapping Mustatils, Saudi Arabia’s 7000-Year-Old Stone Monuments

Over 7,000 years ago, people built hundreds of large stone structures in the area that is now northwest Arabia. Archaeologists have identified this act as the earliest known example of a widespread...
105,000-Year-Old Kalahari Crystals Challenge Cultural Evolution Story

105,000-Year-Old Kalahari Crystals Challenge Cultural Evolution Story

New research at a rockshelter on the edge of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa challenges the assumption that modern human origins and complex behaviors were limited to coastal environments. A...
Amazonian Mummified Parrots Discovered in the Atacama Desert

Amazonian Mummified Parrots Discovered in the Atacama Desert

Researchers have made the curious discovery of mummified parrots in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile . Between 1000 and 1460 BC, parrots and macaws were transported over 300 miles to one of the...
Shellfish Extravaganza at Iron Age Feast Unearthed in Ancient Orkney

What Prompted the Shellfish Extravaganza at an Iron Age Feast Site, Orkney?

Archaeologists in the far north of Scotland have unearthed thousands of seashells from the remains of an Iron Age feast dating back to around the 5 th century AD, including 18,630 sea snail shells...
Hill of Tara, County Meath, Ireland

The Hill of Tara: Tracing the Footsteps of the High Kings of Ireland

The Hill of Tara is said to be one of the most ancient sacred sites in Ireland. Predating the Celts by thousands of years, the archaeological site is covered in tombs , monuments, and Neolithic...
Severed Head of Stone Age Women Found Lodged in Rocks of Italian Cave

Severed Head of Stone Age Woman Found Lodged in Rocks of Italian Cave

Archaeologists arrived at Marcel Loubans cave near Bologna , Italy, in 2017 to embark on a unique rescue mission . Their goal was to extract a solitary human skull that had somehow become marooned on...
Rare Bronze Age Spearhead has Remained Intact for Thousands of Years!

Rare Bronze Age Spearhead has Remained Intact for Thousands of Years!

A metal detectorist has made a great discovery on the island of Jersey – a rare and complete metal spearhead that is thousands of years old. Researchers have called the Bronze Age spearhead “unique...
