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Viano Castle opening, viewed at night.  Source: Marcello Assandri

Vejano Castle Opened Up For the First Time in 414 Years

Today, after 414 years, the castle of Vejano (once Viano), Italy opened its heavy doors to experts coming from seven countries. Prince Landolfo di Napoli Rampolli, whose family has owned the castle...
All video courtesy of Marcello Assandri.

Huge Lost Medieval and Renaissance Castle Complex Discovered in Italy

A large medieval or Renaissance castle has been discovered amongst the foliage of a hill in Lazio, Italy. The discovery was made after investigations based on satellite imaging, which clearly...
Left, Santacroce tower, Rome Right, Marcello Assandri at Castel S Angelo, Rome. Source: Marcello Assandri

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles 4: Borgia Strongholds of Rome

Rome was the adopted hometown of the Borgia; they were originally from the Catalan region of Spain. The Roman branch of the Santacroce family had lived in Rome for a few centuries. In this episode,...
Left; Vejano Castle, Vejano, Italy, street view of tower and entry bridge. Right, the triangular Vejano castle from above. Source: Left; Croberto68/ CC BY-SA 3.0, Right; Google Earth

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Castles 3: Rites and Recreation in the Renaissance

How did people unwind in the Renaissance? Well, spa baths were still popular since the days of the Roman Republic, but also competitions, and of course, who doesn’t love a good feast? All of these...
Bracciano Castle, Lazio, Italy.	Source: franco lucato/Adobe Stock /Adobe Stock

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles: Bracciano Castle, the Orsini HQ

The current castle at Bracciano - Orsini-Odescalchi Castle - was built by Napoleone Orsini and his son Virginio starting in 1470. It is one the best maintained castles in Italy and host to numerous...
Marcello at the site of Alteto Castle, near Vejano, Lazio, Italy. Source: Marcello Assandri

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles: The Borgia and Orsini Affair

Having a home in the fascinating historic town of Vejano, north of Rome, fueled Marcello Assandri’s curiosity about the history of the area. He has scoured the National State Italian Archive, the...
Excavations in Sarsina have uncovered the remains of a stunning Capitolium Temple. Source: Ministero della Cultura

Massive First-Century Capitolium Temple Identified in Northern Italy

From under the quiet north Italian town of Sarsina, archaeologists have unearthed an enormous Capitolium temple built by the Romans in the 1st century BC. Found in an exceptional state of...
Castellaccio di Messina, Sicily. Credit:

Castellaccio di Messina: Italy’s Most Haunted Castle (Video)

Castellaccio di Messina, an abandoned castle situated in Sicily , carries a rich history dating back centuries. Built in the medieval era, it served as a defensive fortress, guarding the surrounding...
Palermo mummies.  Source: Habanero666 / CC by SA 3.0.

Resurrecting the Past: Sicily's Bizarre Mummy Rituals (Video)

Sicily's enigmatic mummy rituals have captivated researchers and historians alike for decades. Originating with the capuchin monks of Palermo , the tradition of mummification rapidly spread across...
Underwater excavation of the site of La Marmotta in Lake Bracciano.  Source: Museo delle Civiltà-Mario Mineo/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Early Neolithic Settlement Found Underneath the Waters of Lake Bracciano

La Marmotta, an ancient lakeshore settlement submerged in Lake Bracciano near Rome, Italy, has captivated underwater archaeologists since its discovery in 1989. Now, archaeologists have located some...
Grotte di Osimo. Source: Giulia Lavagnoli / CC by SA 4.0.

Uncovering Templar Secrets In the Grotte di Osimo (Video)

Beneath Osimo, Italy, lies a concealed network of tunnels and chambers connecting the city's palaces. This underground maze carries an air of mystery, as it once held strategic importance for the...
The San Galgano sword on display in Montesiepi, Italy. Source: Superchilum / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Legend of Montesiepi: The Sacred San Galgano Sword in the Stone

One of the most famous British folk tales is that of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. According to the various versions of the story, the sword could only be pulled out of the stone by the...
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii. Source: Sunshower Shots / Adobe Stock.

The Final Hours: Witness Pompeii’s Catastrophic Demise (Video)

As Mount Vesuvius erupted violently in 79 AD, the skies above Pompeii turned dark and ominous. A deadly cloud of super-heated gases spewed forth, reaching a height of 33 km, and molten rock and hot...
Roman mosaic illustrating a winemaking scene from the fourth century AD at Santa Costanza, Rome. Source: Jean Louis Mazieres/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Opulent Roman Winery With Fountains of Grape Juice Uncovered

Emlyn Dodd/The Conversation Recent excavations at the Villa of the Quintilii uncovered the remains of a unique winery just outside Rome. The mid-third-century AD building located along the Via Appia...
Underwater archaeologists during excavations of the sunken Nabatean temple. Source: The Ministry of Culture of Italy

Submerged Secrets: Sunken Nabatean Temple Discovered Off Italian Coast

Underwater archaeologists searching just off the western Mediterranean coast of the city of Pozzuoli in central Italy discovered the remains of a submerged 2,000-year-old Nabatean temple dedicated to...
On display at the Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Rome, Italy. Source: Dan Diffendale/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The Tomb of the Silver Hands - An Enigmatic Etruscan Burial

The highly advanced and powerful culture of the ancient Etruscans could not persevere in the face of the rising Romans. By 500 BC, the political situation in the Italian Peninsula was quickly...
The currently unknown structure found in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Source: Ivano Dorbolo’

Baffling Stone Structure Unearthed in Rural Italy

A recent discovery in Italy has left archaeologists scratching their heads. A stone structure of unknown purpose has been unearthed near the town of Torreano, near Udine in the Friuli Venezia Giulia...
Predjama Castle, Slovenia. Source: jankost / Adobe Stock.

8 Amazing Historical Sites Hidden in the Mountains (Video)

Throughout history, humans have sought refuge and safety in the mountains. These towering natural wonders have served as sanctuaries for communities, armies, and leaders, as well as housing some of...
The Frumentarii were the eyes and ears of the Roman Emperor. Source: oz/AdobeStock

Frumentarii - The Roman Emperor’s Eyes and Ears

Throughout the world’s history, many of the kingdoms, empires, and rulers depended on some sort of a secretive assistance. Powerful realms are like intricate machines - filled with secrets. To...
Skull of a medieval woman showing evidence of brain surgery. Source: Divulgação/Universidade Sapienza

Unfortunate Medieval Woman Underwent Surgery of the Skull—Twice!

A detailed examination of the skull of a woman who lived in central Italy in the medieval settlement of Castel Trosino more than 1,300 years ago has revealed something both astonishing and...
Top Image: Speleologists explore the Aqua Augusta, a Roman aqueduct that was previously the least-documented aqueduct in the Roman world. Source: Associazione Cocceius

Uncharted Section of Augustan Aqueduct Discovered Beneath Naples

Built in the early first century BC during the Augustan era in Naples, Italy, the “Aqua Augusta” is one of the largest and most sophisticated aqueducts in the Roman Empire. Now, a previously unknown...
Ponte Vecchio the famous Arch bridge in Florence, Italy. Source: Tito Slack / Adobe Stock

Clueless Californian Busted for Driving Across Medieval Bridge in Italy

An American tourist traveling through the streets of Florence, Italy this past week took a seriously wrong turn and ended up in a heap of trouble as a result of his mistake, CNN reports . While...
The buildings of Venice appear to float above the water, begging the question “how was Venice built?” Source: muratart / Adobe Stock

Architecture of the Floating (Or Sinking) City: How Was Venice Built?

The romantic city of Venice is known by many names, including the floating city, the city of canals and even the Queen of the Adriatic. This city of water was built on dozens of tiny islands located...
View of the courtyard of the House of Vettii, Pompeii. Source: Parco Archeologico de Pompei

Lavish Home of Two Former Slaves Opened Up to the Public in Pompeii

After 20 years of restoration, the lavish and opulent House of the Vettii has been opened up to the public, offering a glimpse into the life of ancient Pompeii’s elite. It was owned by two former...
