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Bahrain Fort

Ancient Persian Cuneiform Contract and Artifacts Discovered in Bahrain Fort

A private contract written in Akkadian script on a clay tablet has been discovered among other artifacts in a fort in Bahrain. The discovery, reported in Trade Arabia , was found among a number of...
The dramatic scenes of an older man slaying a young man depicted on the Scythian art might reference the ancient “Bastard Wars” as recorded by Herodotus.

Secret Chamber Found at Scythian Burial Mound Reveals Golden Treasure of Drug-Fueled Rituals

Elaborate golden treasures with traces of cannabis and opium have been discovered in a secret chamber hidden in an ancient Scythian burial mound near Strovopol, Russia. Described as a once-in-a-...
Artist’s depiction of the Ghost Gamble game.

Great Salt Lake of Utah gives up its Prehistoric Gambling Secrets from the 13th Century

Hundreds of gambling implements, including dice, hoops, carved sticks and other items, have been found in a cave on the shore of the Great Salt Lake, known simply as ‘Cave 1’, according to a report...
Mes Aynak Ruins

Afghan Archaeologists Battle Chinese Mining Interests in Fight to Save Ancient Buddhist Paradise

Mes Aynak, a 2,000-year-old Buddhist city atop a 5,000-year-old Bronze Age settlement in Afghanistan, is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Only ten percent of...
Sketches of inventions by Leonardo da Vinci

Ancient Magic: The Illusions Created in Temples by Amazing Inventions

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Imagine you’re in an ancient temple, dimly lit by rays of sunlight peaking in. A worshipper lights a fire on the altar, and steps back. A statue beside the altar begins...
Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl may lead to Royal Tomb

River of Mercury in Underworld of Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl may lead to Royal Tomb

Archaeologists believe that a recent discovery of liquid mercury in a subterranean tunnel beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico, may represent an underworld river that...
The treasure-hunters. Working with a metal detector.

Metal detectorist uncovers Roman treasure hoard in England

A person with a metal detector uncovered some beautiful items of a Roman period burial from around 200 AD in a field in England north of London. An archaeologist says the items were likely owned by a...
Archaeologists working in the 1,000-year-old house at the Rising Whale site at Cape Espenberg, Alaska.

Ancient Bronze Artifacts in Alaska Reveals Trade with Asia Before Columbus Arrival

An incredible archaeological discovery in Alaska provided evidence that trade was occurring between Asia and the New World centuries before Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492...
One of the many subterranean chambers discovered by Luciano Faggiano during his excavations under Lecce, Italy.

Man Intent on Fixing Toilet Uncovers Centuries-Old Subterranean World Beneath his Basement

An Italian man’s dream to open a modest restaurant became an archaeological obsession when he broke ground in order to repair a faulty toilet. The underground world filled with centuries of history...
The Oseberg Ship Burial

The Oseberg Ship Burial Astounded Archaeologists with Excellent Preservation and Hoard of Artifacts

In AD 921, the Arab traveler and Islamic theologian Ahmad ibn Fadlan was sent by the Abbasid caliph, al-Muqtadir to the court of the king of the Volga Bulghars as part of a diplomatic party. During...
The Thirteen Legendary Treasures of Britain

The Thirteen Legendary Treasures of Britain

The ancient Greek writer Hesiod once wrote that there were five ages of mankind – the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Heroic Age, and the Iron Age. Similarly, in Hinduism, there are...
The Silla dynasty tomb with bones and artifacts.

Discovery of Ancient Tomb Suggests Man was Sacrificed to join a Noblewoman in Death

Archaeologists in South Korea have uncovered a 1,500-year-old tomb of a noblewoman containing the ancient remains of a woman and a man. The discovery of precious grave goods and the circumstances of...
Metal detector survey of the shipwreck area, photo by Brett Seymour.

The Antikythera Shipwreck – The Titanic of the Ancient World and its Sunken Historic Treasure

Some of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries have been uncovered by chance. The terracotta warriors, for instance, were first discovered in 1974 by Chinese farmers who were digging for a...
The Dunmore Cave of Ireland

The Dark Reputation of the Dunmore Cave of Ireland

Caves play an important role in the story of humanity. In addition to providing shelter for our earliest ancestors, caves were also often considered to be mystical and magical realms. For some...
Buddha statue at Borobudur.

Large, Rare Statue Portraying the Death of Buddha Unearthed at Ancient Bahmala Stupa Site

Two rare and ancient Buddha statues have been unearthed at the Bhamala Stupa site in Pakistan. The largest ever statue found at the site depicts the death of ancient sage Buddha. A second statue...
A Chinese archeological research institute working with the help of German experts will restore a pair of 1,400-year-old leather shoes from the Astana Tombs.

Experts restore 1,400-year-old shoes from a Chinese tomb

Chinese archaeologists are restoring a pair of 1,400-year-old goat leather shoes that were found in the Astana Tombs in the capital of the ancient Gaocheng kingdom. Experts from Germany will spend 20...
Junior Obsidian kneels before the Lord of Hammer-Stone Hill, the apparent ruler of Xultun.

Archaeologists study stunning murals adorning the walls of an ancient Maya home

In a complex, 1,300-year-old Maya mural in the Guatemalan jungle, a ruler with an elaborate plumed headdress and impersonating a god, consults with priest-scholars as they celebrate the new year...
Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts - Ebook

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts Ebook

To mark the occasion of our Two Year Anniversary, we are releasing a Free Ebook titled ‘Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts’. This ebook is a compilation of exclusive articles...
Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts - Ebook

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts - Free Ebook

On 22nd February, Ancient Origins will be celebrating Two Years since its launch. To mark the occasion, we will be giving all our subscribers a Free Ebook titled 'Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient...
Newly-discovered Mycenaean tomb near Amfissa, Greece

3,300-year-old Mycenaean tomb and precious artifacts found in Central Greece

Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a vaulted Mycenaean tomb near Amfissa, central Greece, containing human remains and a hoard of treasures. The 3,300-year-old tomb is the first of its...
Rare ritual jars found buried under ancient ruins in Japan

Rare ritual jars found buried under ancient ruins in Japan intended to purify, bring eternal youth

Japanese archaeologists have made a surprising discovery beneath ancient ruins in Japan. An arrangement of coin-filled clay pots aligned to the cardinal directions have been found buried beneath the...
Bronze Age Golden Hat

The Mystery of the Four Golden Hats of the Bronze Age

The relics and artifacts uncovered throughout the centuries have provided an immense knowledge base about how our ancient ancestors lived, what they believed in, and what skills they had...
Painted clay goddess face with eyes inset with jade, found at Goddess Temple, Niuheliang.

Relics from the Niuheliang Goddess Temple, the most mysterious site of the ancient Hongshan

The Neolithic Hongshan culture has revealed itself to researchers through its long-preserved bounty of jade artifacts, its ceremonial monuments, its burial traditions, and its influence in the...
