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Hirbat Midras, in Adullam Grove Nature Reserve in Israel, part of what geologist Dr. Alexander Koltypin hypothesizes to be a massive complex of prehistoric underground structures stretching across the Mediterranean.

Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Most archaeologists and historians agree that human civilization only emerged some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Yet many researchers have drawn attention to artifacts...
A collection of artifacts given to Father Crespi

Father Crespi Mystery Deepens: Ancient Origins Urged to Drop Further Investigations

Earlier this month we reported on an investigation into the story of Father Crespi and his missing artifacts. The story of Father Crespi is a mysterious and controversial account of a priest in...
The incense shovel after having been cleaned in the Israel Antiquities Authority metallurgical laboratories.

Rare Second Temple Bronze Tools Uncovered Near the Sea of Galilee

2000-year-old bronze artifacts in the form of a can and a shovel have been discovered in Magdala, situated North West of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee. A team of archaeologists from the Israel...
A human skull. Representational image only.

The Giants of Doddridge County: Body Snatching and Buried Notebooks – Part II

( Read Part I ) It is important to note that in relation to the measurements published for the gigantic skeletons from the Zahn Farm mounds, Sutton’s method of determining height would actually have...
Left: Father Crespi holding a metallic artifact that appears to contain a series of hieroglyphs.Right: Photographs of Crespi’s so-called ‘Metallic Library’. Credit:

The Truth About Father Crespi and His Missing Artifacts Finally Revealed

The story of Father Crespi is a mysterious and controversial account of a priest in Ecuador involving claims of unknown civilizations, strange golden artifacts, a subterranean cave system containing...
Jade Cong, c. 2500 B.C.E., Liangzhu culture, Neolithic period, China (British Museum)

Elaborate Jade ‘Cong’ and ‘Bi’ as Grave Goods of the Liangzhu Culture

The Liangzhu culture (written in Chinese as 良渚文化) is a Neolithic culture that existed from around 3300 BC until 2300 BC. The archaeological evidence suggests that the Liangzhu culture possessed...
Chancay burial dolls.

Chancay Burial Dolls: Ancient Peruvian Grave Goods of a Lost Culture

Chancay burial ‘dolls’ are a type of grave goods that were used by the Chancay culture, a pre-Columbian civilization located in modern day Peru. This civilization was based mainly in the valleys of...
Easter Island statues by Honey Hooper, Fig. 92. Obsidian Spear-heads

New Study Asserts that Easter Island Was Not Destroyed by Warfare

By: Jack Phillips , Epoch Times The ancient civilization that inhabited Easter Island wasn’t destroyed by warfare, according to a recent study, contrary to what some researchers believe. Researchers...
Funerary cones.

Examining Cryptic Grave Goods: What Are the Ancient Egyptian Funerary Cones?

Funerary cones are a type of funereal object from ancient Egypt. It is well known that the ancient Egyptians were extremely concerned about the afterlife, and that they did all they could to provide...
Main: The area of ancient Naukratis as it appears today. Credit: Dr Penelope Wilson / The Fitzwilliam Museum. Inset: A pottery bowl made on Chios in the late seventh century BC and brought to Naukratis

Unearthing the Ancient Port of Naukratis, a Bridge between Egyptian and Greek Civilization

Archaeologists are excavating Naukratis, a once lost Greek-Egyptian city famous in the ancient world for its dinner parties and beautiful courtesans, a hub for traders across the Mediterranean world...
Top 10 Treasure, Artifact, and Valuable Finds of 2015

Top 10 Treasure, Artifact, and Valuable Finds of 2015

Silver, gold, jewels, and other precious belongings that were lost or forgotten with the passage of time… There were many luxurious artifacts discovered this year. Narrowing the list to ten cannot...
The horse burial pit in the newly-discovered tomb.

2,500-Year-Old Royal Tomb Complex with Horse Burial Pit Unearthed in China

Archaeologists in China have uncovered an elaborate 2,500-year-old tomb in a giant complex containing around 200 other grave sites, which they have been excavating since 2009 in Luoyong city, Henan...
Underground Etruscan tomb at Cerverteri (representational image).

Unlooted Etruscan Tomb Complete with Sarcophagi and Treasures Unearthed in Italy

Archaeologists have made a rare discovery near the small town of Città della Pieve, near Perugia in Italy – a 2,400-year-old sealed and untouched Etruscan tomb. The burial chamber contains sarcophagi...
One of the entrances to the Tayos Caves.

Expedition to Tayos Caves: Never Before Seen Photographs Shed Light on Mysterious Underground Network

The Tayos caves of Ecuador are a legendary vast natural underground network of caves spanning many kilometres, very little of which has been officially explored. The Tayos caves (Cueva de los Tayos)...
Convict Shirt, National Museum of Australia Ian Evans, Author provided

These walls can talk: Australian history preserved by folk magic

The 160,023 convicts transported to the Australian colonies between 1788 and 1868 left leg-irons and chains a’plenty, but surprisingly little in the way of clothing. Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum has a...
The beautiful and astounding archaeo-astronomical site, Kokino Observatory, or Tatic’s Stone.

The Exceptional Kokino Observatory – Ancient Megalithic Site, Holy Mountain

At the dawn of the 21 st century, at a place called Tatic's Stone , near the village of Kokino, in the Republic of Macedonia, archaeologists discovered an exceptional prehistoric megalithic site...
Easter Han tomb of Luoyang, Henan Province. Representational image only.

3 Men Suffocate, Die While Looting Ancient Tomb in China

Three men have died and others were incapacitated while grave robbing an ancient tomb in China. The three men died of suffocation in the airless gravesite. Two other men in the tomb called for help,...
A diver securing an artifact found on the sea floor

Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater archaeologists have returned to the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck in Greece and have discovered more than fifty new artifacts, including the remains of a bone flute, a bronze armrest...
The commanding stone walls and doorways of the Thracian tomb of Kazanlak in Bulgaria. Such Thracian tombs are found across Bulgaria, such as the King’s Mound and marble sarcophagus as unearthed by archaeologists at Boyanovo recently. Representational image only.

Archaeologists unearth marble sarcophagus from ancient Thracian burial mound

Archaeologists from the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia in Bulgaria have discovered a massive ancient marble sarcophagus in the south east of the country. It once belonged to an...
Painting of the "Flying Cloud" off the Isle of Wight, England.

Archaeologists to use dog DNA to investigate the mysterious Cattewater Wreck

The Cattewater Wreck lies in mud on the seabed at Cattewater Close near the entrance to Sutton Harbor in Plymouth Sound. The ship sank in the early 16 th century and its remains became the first...
A handout photo released by the Greek Ministry of Culture shows the excavations site with remains of a palace of the Mycenaean period, bearing important inscriptions in archaic Greek, discovered near Sparta in the Peloponnese region of Greece.

Archaeologists discover Mycenaean palace and treasure trove of artifacts in southern Greece

Greek archaeologists have discovered a pre-classical era Greek palace at Aghios Vassilios hill dating from the Mycenaean Age, which some researchers believe is the long-lost palace of Sparta...
Funerary Mask, from Malagana 200BC-200AD on exhibit with the exhibit "The Spirit of Ancient Columbian Gold".

The Malagana Treasure: Gold and Greed, A Lost Civilization Plundered

When a Colombian sugarcane plantation worker and his tractor plunged into a hole which had suddenly opened up in the earth, the spectacular discovery buried under the soil would lead to a large-scale...
Ethiopian grave

Amazing jewels and artifacts found in 2,000-year-old Ethiopian grave reveal link to Rome

A major excavation carried out in the ancient city of Aksum in northern Ethiopia has yielded stunning treasures from both the Roman empire and Aksumite kingdom, revealing a connection with the Romans...
