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Ancient Traditions

Ancient Origins brings you articles related to Ancient Traditions from all over the world. Find related articles in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Winemaking in Georgia. Source: lobodaphoto / Adobe Stock.

Behind Georgia’s 8,000-Year-Old Winemaking Tradition (Video)

Georgia boasts an unparalleled winemaking legacy, stretching back an astonishing eight millennia . Research reveals that this land birthed the art of winemaking, nurturing over 40 vineyards today...
Snail slime was used for beauty products. Source: Volodymyr / Adobe Stock.

Ancient People Harvested Snail Slime for Beauty Products (Video)

Harvesting the natural benefits of snail mucus has a history dating back to ancient civilizations . This unique substance, valued for its nutrient-rich qualities, has found its way into modern beauty...
Aztec warriors. Source: Arthur / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Aztec Took Hygiene Very Seriously (Video)

Thanks to their penchant for human sacrifice the Aztecs have a rather gruesome reputation, but what was their hygiene like? As it turns out, they upheld remarkable standards of hygiene. Their...
Helen Mirren playing Caesonia in Tinto Brass’ 1979 historical drama film, Caligula.  Source: CC BY-SA 4.0/Author Supplied

Did the Romans and Greeks Really Enjoy Orgies?

Christian-Georges Schwentzel /The Conversation Orgies conjure in our imagination the world of Greek and Roman Antiquity, thanks to more or less titillating films portraying debauched emperors, or...
Traditional snowshoes. Source: debspoons / Adobe Stock.

Wisdom in Every Step: Tracing the History of Snowshoes (Video)

Bill Mackowski, a snowshoe craftsman and collector, has assembled an extraordinary collection of over 200 pairs. These snowshoes, each with a unique tale, hold cultural and practical significance...
Inuit women with tattoos. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

Ancient Ink Reborn: Revitalizing Traditional Inuit Tattooing (Video)

In a harmonious blend of identity and strength, Marjorie Taub breathes life back into the ancient art of Inuit tattooing. With practiced skill, she employs two techniques that date back thousands of...
Khanjar dagger. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

A Master Craftsman Makes the Perfect Dagger (Video)

In Oman , the possession of a khanjar is a matter of tradition and pride for men. These curved daggers , tracing their origins to the 16th or 17th century, have evolved from mere weapons to exquisite...
The Legend of the San Nicolas Cookie. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Legend of the San Nicolas Cookie (Video)

The San Nicolas Cookie isn’t just a soft and delicious treat, it carries a rich history and unique characteristics that make it stand out. Originating in the 1600s in the Philippines , these cookies...
Baby eels used in Vietnamese eel soup. Source: tulpahn / Adobe Stock.

What Traditional Breakfast Is Like Around the World (Video)

The world's morning meals have evolved remarkably over time. Once forbidden in medieval Europe, breakfast has transformed into a crucial start for industrious lives. Influences like coffee and tea...
Guatemalan Mayan woman making chocolate with traditional grinding stone. Source: nobito_gt / Adobe Stock.

Creating Guatemala’s Food of the Gods – Chocolate (Video)

Guatemala , a land celebrated for its coffee and avocados, holds a lesser-known but equally delightful claim to fame: its chocolate . The region of Chocolá, characterized by frequent rains and...
Traditional sausages. Source: Voyagerix / Adobe Stock.

These Sausages Are Over 500 Years Old (Video)

In the heart of the English countryside, amidst historic landscapes and age-old towns, a remarkable business has flourished for over five centuries. Sausages, the epitome of timelessness and taste ,...
Archaeologist excavating the skeletal remains of a priest discovered within the Pacopampa tomb in Peru. Source: Peru’s Ministry of Culture

3,000-Year-Old Pacopampa Tomb Reveals Religious Rites of Ancient Peru

A team of archaeologists from Peru and Japan have discovered a circular grave in northern Peru that is approximately 3,000 years old, and maybe even older. The Pacopampa tomb and burial site...
Chinampa, Mexico. Source: Maleny / Adobe Stock.

Saving Chinampas, Mexico’s Ancient Floating Farms (Video)

South of Mexico City lies Xochimilco, an area renowned for its distinctive floating farms, locally referred to as " Chinampas ." These floating islands have been a part of Mexico's agricultural...
Indigo dye. Source: Thirawatana / Adobe Stock.

The Link Between Japanese Samurai and Real Indigo (Video)

Within the captivating tapestry of Japanese history , a fascinating link emerges between Samurai culture and the realm of real indigo. Tucked away in Tokushima, Japan, a region steeped in tradition,...
Mexico’s 600-Year-Old Dance of the Flying Men (Video)

Mexico’s 600-Year-Old Dance of the Flying Men (Video)

For six centuries, the vibrant skies above Papantla, Mexico , have been graced by the enduring tradition of the Danza de los Voladores (Dance of the Flyers). This captivating spectacle unfolds as a...
Mount Huashan Teahouse, Mount Hua, China. Source: Victor / Adobe Stock.

The Journey to the World’s Most Remote Teahouse (Video)

To savor the simple pleasure of a cup of tea at the Huashan Teahouse on Mount Hua , a journey of determination awaits. The odyssey commences with a 20-minute cable car ascent, granting breathtaking...
Drukpa Order Kung Fu Nuns. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Buddhist Drukpa Order- Kung Fu Nuns (Video)

In a realm where dedication knows no bounds, a group of remarkable nuns has emerged as a symbol of empowerment. This unique nunnery in Nepal boasts an empowering claim to fame—it stands as the only...
Guang bing Chinese bagel. Source: Kenishirotie / Adobe Stock.

How a 500-Year-Old Chinese ‘Bagel’ Helped Win a War (Video)

Today bagels are a staple snack for many of us, but did you know that hundreds of years ago a Chinese variation helped win a war? This remarkable creation, known as the guang-bing, holds the key to...
Ancient Purification Rituals: Exploring Cleansing and Spiritual Renewal

Ancient Purification Rituals: Exploring Cleansing and Spiritual Renewal

Throughout history cultures from around the world have recognized the importance of purification rituals to cleanse and renew the body, mind, and spirit. These ancient practices were deeply embedded...
British court wig. Source: Anneke / Adobe Stock.

The British Tradition of Wig Wearing in the Courtroom (Video)

The meticulous art of handcrafting legal wigs for British courts weaves a tapestry of tradition that reaches back through the annals of time, tracing its origins to the late 17th century . Entrusted...
Korean haenyeo divers. Source: ufokim / Adobe Stock.

Haenyeo: The Last Mermaids of Jeju (Video)

In the azure waters surrounding the historic Korean island of Jeju, a remarkable tradition endures. Enter the world of Kim Ok Ja, a tenacious 78-year-old woman who defies age and nature's challenges...
Mongolian Throat Singing. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Incredible World of Mongolian Throat Singing (Video)

Among the world's oldest musical forms, Mongolian throat singing emerges as a captivating embodiment of human skill and rich cultural heritage. Dating back to antiquity , this ancient tradition...
Casu Marzu cheese with maggots. Source: ballylocci / Adobe Stock.

This Ancient Cheese is Eaten With Live Maggots (Video)

In the rustic landscapes of Italy's Sardinia , an age-old culinary tradition endures – one that might bewilder the uninitiated palate. Casu martzu, known as "rotten cheese," boasts a history that...
Traditional kimono making, Okinawa. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Kimono World’s Dirty Little Secret (Video)

Amidst the tranquil landscapes of Amami Ōshima, an island near Okinawa , Japan, an ancient tradition thrives—one that transforms mud and aged tree trunks into exquisite kimonos, each bearing the mark...
