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Woman adorned with a lei engages in the Hooponopono practice, traditional Hawaiian method of finding peace and forgiveness. Source: irissca/Adobe/Stock

The Intrigue and Mystery of Ancient Hawaii (Video)

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Hawaii, known today as a popular tourist destination, conceals a deeper historical allure that predates Western influence. The archipelago, primarily volcanic, originated between forty and seventy million years ago. The Polynesians, remarkable navigators from Southeast Asia, eventually discovered Hawaii around 400 AD, contributing to the islands' rich tapestry.

Ancient Hawaiian society, dating from 1000 AD to 1778 AD, boasted a distinct culture and social structure. Land ownership played a crucial role, divided into self-sufficient regions known as 'moku.' The class system, ranging from skilled professionals to enslaved individuals, underscored the significance of mana, representing spiritual power. Abundant resources allowed for cultural and artistic expressions, such as music, storytelling, and unique craftsmanship using non-metal materials.

Ancient Hawaiians Would Sled Down Lava-Covered Volcanoes
Archaeologists Date Prehistoric Temples in Hawaii to establish origins of First Kingdom

The Ancient Hawaiians exhibited a fascinating blend of innovation and spirituality, as evidenced by their unique practice of lava sledding. Despite the absence of molten lava, these sleds reached remarkable speeds of up to fifty miles per hour, serving both as a sport and a religious ritual.

Despite its intrigue, Ancient Hawaii faced challenges with internal conflicts and, eventually, external colonization. The arrival of Captain James Cook in 1778 marked a turning point, introducing European influence and sparking conflicts. The legacy of Ancient Hawaii lives on in the resilience and creativity of the native Hawaiians, a reminder of their enduring spirit amidst the changing tides of history.

Top image: Woman adorned with a lei engages in the Hooponopono practice, traditional Hawaiian method of finding peace and forgiveness.  Source: irissca/Adobe/Stock

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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