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A man stands in what appears to be a giant footprint in bedrock in Pingyin China

The Giant Footprint of Pingyan: Giant Made or Man Made?

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Stories and tales about gigantic beings inhabiting the Earth occur in almost all ancient cultures and civilizations. From the Indo-Europeans, to the Greeks, to the Christian Bible, tales of giants have been passed down from generation to generation and these stories still exist in modern day. There has never been any concrete evidence to prove the existence of giants, that is unless you believe the giant footprints that have been found across the globe. Multiple giant footprints have been discovered and are thought to be millions if not billions of years old. To the locals where these footprints can be found they are known as “the footprints of god.” Could the history books and what we know of evolution be wrong?

The Pingyan Giant Footprint

In August 2016, a giant human-shaped footprint was discovered by a group of photographers in Pingyan village in Guizhou, the southwestern province of China. By the following month numerous websites has published similar stories that contributed to the believability of the account of the giant footprint. The footprint was said to be 57 cm long, 20 cm wide, and 3 cm deep. Found fossilized in rock, the footprint was dated back to the prehistoric era. Considering that the average foot size of a man is 18 cm, and the average for a woman is 16.5 cm, this discovery would be monumental and leave historians and scientists alike questioning what we know of human history and evolution.

Close up of the alleged giant’s footprint.

Close up of the alleged giant’s footprint. (Sina News Agency)

The original article regarding the footprint gives a barebones description of the discovery and lists its sources merely as “agencies.” However, according to a search was done of the local newspapers near Guizhou and no article was written about the giant footprint in August 2016. Therefore, no reputable source has published any work on the topic, neither in the media or the scientific community. However, many conspiracy websites have gotten hold of the original article and link it to other alleged giant footprints.

The footprints are reportedly 57cm (22.5inches) long and 20cm (8 inches wide) Next to the full print is what looks like a partial print

The footprints are reportedly 57cm (22.5inches) long and 20cm (8 inches wide) Next to the full print is what looks like a partial print (Sina news agency).

Leaving Giant Footprints

These websites claim that an archaeologist named Michael Tellinger dated one of these giant footprints to be around 200 million years old. Tellinger supposedly found another giant footprint in Africa in 2012 and he was convinced that it was one of the best pieces of evidence proving that giants once roamed the earth. While Tellinger claims to be an archaeologist, many have denounced him as a conspiracy theorist.

Michael Tellinger with the massive footprint in the rock in Africa

Michael Tellinger with the massive footprint in the rock in Africa (Youtube screenshot)

A third footprint was discovered in Bolivia but CNN reported that the print was from a large carnivorous dinosaur rather than an ancient giant. Prior to that, another massive footprint was found in New Mexico by Jerry MacDonald in 1987 which measuring 100 cm in length and was said to be 290 million years old. This print was recorded as the largest footprint made by a meat-eating dinosaur. However, this print has been problematic for paleontologists since there is no explanation as to how it got there or what left it. This again left room for the conspiracy websites to theorize, and took this information to further prove the existence of ancient giants.

Not Rock-Solid Proof

The claims made by these conspiracy theorists hold no weight when it comes to any sort of academic research. The giant footprint of Pingyan is said to have been fossilized in solid granite, a material that does not lend itself to capturing any type of print. Also, the rock is most likely closer to 3.1 billion years old, as opposed to 200 million. While the discovery of these other footprints has led to more and more questions, more research is being done on the topic. Could these footprints have come from ancient giant humans, possibly even our ancestors? There is no certainty yet. However, the research that has already been done points to that answer being unlikely.

Top image: A man stands in what appears to be a giant footprint in bedrock in Pingyin China (Credit: Sina news agency)

By Veronica Parkes


Ancient Code. 2012. A Giant Footprint Has Been Discovered in China. [Online] Available at:

Bhattacharjee, Budhaditya. 2016. Giant Footprint in China: Facts to Know. [Online] Available at:

Kasprak, Alex. 2016. Humungo Humanoids. [Online] Available at:

Lions Ground. 2016. Giant Human Footprints Discovered in China. [Online] Available at:

Tellinger, Michael. Giatn Foor Print 200 Million Yrs Old – South Africa. [Online] Available at:

Sina. 2016. Giant Fossilized Human Footprint Found in SW China’s Guizhou. [Online] Available at:



refamat's picture

You want to believe in the fantastic and unbelievable because you want to have an afterlife, something you cannot fathomk without a god. Just go away and stop spreading church pew rumors.

Obviously a atheist site then when it said at the end its unlikey!!

BS. We are created beings not Animals. We have souls not souless. We have a chance at immortality but only one so if we mess it up were screwed. Why is knowing giants important to being lost or saved etc… It’s part of truth and that truth is the weird world it’s a part of.

Giants Floods, Centaurs Angells etc… It also has something to do with as in the Days of Noah and knowing what to look of in that. Transhumanism is very much a part of that especially now with this Coronaviurs vaccine crap going on. Parts of that vaccine has Lucifer in it’s name as in Luciferase. And Nano Bots etc… Judgement regardless of if you believe or not will come to those who take that crap!

I just watched part of I am Legend agian for the third or fourth time and a man made virus a in this China virus and or Coronavirus it’s been said to have possibly been manmade.

The zombie appoculipse regardless of how it rears it’s head will be reall… even if people who take that crap dont change in apperence as in zombies they will still act like it for they do now mostly I have seen in the last frew years.

So yeah this is my Ezekial warning moment telling people to not take a vaccine for I dont want your blood on my hands!

refamat's picture

You have some spelling errors. If you want to read academic papers, aside from visiting the university libraries where they are from, you usually have to have a paid subscription. The academic sites are a pay for view set up and access white and gray papers from researchers around the world by paying those universities fees for such access. Do not make claims they are not telling the truth just because you cannot access information for free that is not publically funded. 

To kind of prove or put out my own research on this. I several years ago wrote the Smithsonian and asked for  FOIA from them on the Nepholim, or Giants. They played dumb at first but when I described a bit more on it they sent me a link to one of thier websites.

But I could not find what I wanted from it so wrote back and asked for the extensions and paths to what they were refuring to. So about a week or so later they wrote back showing me the path and I clicked it and found a archive section on Giants. There were files in there and several articles on Giants but only one worked and when I tried to click the others, I was redirected each time to log in. But no option to sign up I wrote them back and told them what happened and asked for a way to sign in so I could see those articles and files. They never did. About two years expired of me waiting for an asnwer and them ignoring me etc… I finally gave up I chalked it up to then at least showing me they existed but never being able to actually read. So it is true the Smithsonian is a gatekeeper in my true experiance with them.

Also unrelated but still along the lines of being decieved. Look up the guy who supposedly brought about that smoking causes cancer. Look up his name and you won’t find much other than some supposed research he did. There is a link that goes to gateresearch, or researchgate but since I have tried to see his files and research I have never been allowed in to see it. this is just the last month or so so it’s not something old this is this year so…

Please people you’ve been lied to all this time and from as in Revelations says he will decieve the whole world!

refamat's picture

And just how do you know? Do you understand how and where granite is formed? You have posted publically just hoiw ignorant you really are and how gulible you are to believe rumors and fakes.


Veronica Parkes's picture


Veronica Parkes is a graduate of Medieval and Ancient Mediterranean studies from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. During her studies she was a research assistant for a history professor, which entailed transcription and translation of Medieval Latin along... Read More

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