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  1. Hurrem Sultan, the Cheerful Rose of Suleiman I and a Powerful Woman of the Ottoman Empire

    ... he made an impact on the history of many countries in Europe and the Middle East. Portrait of Suleiman I, the tenth ...

    Natalia Klimczak - 29/12/2015 - 03:46

  2. Carving Believed to be Rare Depiction of Eleanor of Aquitaine Found in Abbey

    ... of Aquitaine, one of the most important women in medieval Europe . The find could be very important as there are very ...

    Ed Whelan - 17/09/2019 - 18:42

  3. Trying to Align Forbidden Love, God, and Science: The Secret Relationship of Nicolaus Copernicus and Anna Schilling

    ... be known as one of the more scandalous priests of Central Europe during his lifetime. Some of Copernicus’ ...

    Natalia Klimczak - 28/01/2016 - 03:51

  4. Confronting the Evil Dead: Terrifying Ancient Beliefs Still Alive in Present-Day Romania – Part I

    Romanian folklore records two atypical versions of the western vampire. These are the strigoi and the moroi which, even though they resemble the western image of the vampire, are very different from it.

    The Romanian tradition makes a clear distinction between the good dead and the evil dead. The good dead are beings whose souls cross over without problems into the superior spheres of the world beyond; while the evil dead cannot find peace after death and thus return to haunt their relatives in the form of strigoi or moroi.

    valdar - 02/02/2016 - 00:47

  5. The Lost Civilization Enigma: A New Inquiry Into the Existence of Ancient Cities, Cultures, and Peoples Who Pre-Date Recorded History

    ... such as the Bosnian Pyramids and the civilization of "Old Europe"; The fabled lost "golden" cities of South America and ...

    ancient-origins - 23/08/2018 - 17:05

  6. How the Little Ice Age Caused Greenland Vikings to Jump Ship

    ... in Viking exploration, trade, and raiding across coastal Europe, the Viking Age began around 793 AD with the raid on ...

    ashley cowie - 18/04/2023 - 22:58

  7. Lupus In Fabula: The Wolf In The Story

    Lupus in fabula or perhaps more accurately in historia, given that historically the figure of the wolf is not marginal at all. The undisputed symbol of the forest, the wolf has always been strongly present in the collective imagination of all ancient civilizations.

    Maura Andreoni - 21/11/2019 - 13:58

  8. King Charles III’s Coronation: A 900-Year-Old Ceremony in the Modern Day

    ... and is the only remaining religious coronation ceremony in Europe. Epic: King Charles III’s Coronation at Westminster ...

    Sahir - 01/05/2023 - 14:59

  9. 18,000-Year-Old Puppy Found with Whiskers, Hair, and Velvety Nose

    ... it clear if this is a wolf or a dog, “The Centre has the Europe’s largest DNA bank of all canines from around the ...

    ancient-origins - 26/11/2019 - 22:30

  10. The Love of Destiny: the Sacred and the Profane in Germanic Polytheism

    ... to the ways in which the pre-Christian peoples of northern Europe actually thought of themselves and their spirituality. ...

    ancient-origins - 01/04/2016 - 01:48

  11. Orkney: The Island Whose History Is Eroding Into the Sea (Video)

    ... fish markets thrived on these shores, marking the birth of Europe's first commercialized fisheries. A cow skull reveals ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 14/06/2023 - 21:01

  12. How Lost Cities of the Amazon were Finally Found (Video)

    In the early 1900s, British explorer Percy Fawcett embarked on a mission to find the fabled city of "Z" deep within the Amazon rainforest. Despite his efforts, he returned empty-handed, leading experts to believe that the rainforest was too hostile and remote to support ancient cities.

    Robbie Mitchell - 25/06/2023 - 21:00

  13. The One-Eyed African Queen Who Defeated the Roman Empire: Amanirenas

    ... incessant expansion. From the barbarian tribes of Central Europe to the warlike Britons and Gauls, and all the way to ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 18/07/2023 - 18:59

  14. Unraveling the secrets of White Shaman Cave

    On the border between southwestern Texas in the USA and northwestern Coahuila in Mexico, is the archaeological region known as Lower Pecos River. It contains more than 2,000 archaeological sites dating back up to 10,000 years. Of these, more than 300 sites are rich with ancient pictographs. Among them, the most famous is the White Shaman Cave.

    Natalia Klimczak - 19/05/2016 - 14:41

  15. Antongona and the Mystery of the Early Madagascans

    Madagascar is an island nation off the southeast coast of Africa and is most famous for its exquisite environment and unique wildlife, especially lemurs. It is the 4th largest island in the world. One of the most important archaeological sites in Madagascar is Antongona and yet, its origins and story remain largely a mystery.

    Ed Whelan - 28/02/2020 - 01:30

  16. These Hungarian Horsemen Predated the American Cowboy (Video)

    ... skills with deep-seated traditions. Celebrated as some of Europe's most accomplished horsemen , the Csikós bear the ...

    Joanna Gillan - 30/08/2023 - 01:57

  17. Cro-Magnon: How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans

    ... culture flourished in small pockets across Ice Age Europe, the distant forerunner to the civilization we live in ...

    ancient-origins - 27/07/2019 - 03:18

  18. Monumental Mammoth-Bone Structure Built 25,000 Years Ago

    ... The Upper Paleolithic , or Late Stone Age, in Eastern Europe loosely defines the period between 50,000 ...

    ashley cowie - 17/03/2020 - 00:04

  19. Ancient Tattoos: Archaeologists find Blood and Pigments on 3,000-Year-Old Obsidian

    Australian archaeologists have examined prehistoric obsidian tools from the Nanngu site in the Solomon Islands and have determined they may have been used for tattooing people. The 3,000-year-old chips of volcanic glass-like rock have residues of ochre, charcoal and blood and traces of wear that the researchers replicated by using other pieces of obsidian to make tattoos on pigskin.

    Mark Miller - 08/07/2016 - 00:39

  20. Human Evolution and Interbreeding: When We Met Other Human Species (Video)

    ... entities but companions in our shared journey across Europe and Asia. The discovery of Denisovans, a mysterious ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 29/11/2023 - 19:55
