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Earth’s distance to Mars varies between 55 and 400 million kilometers, but that doesn’t stop it influencing our oceans. (Photo not to scale)	Source: University of Sydney

2.4-Million-Year Connection Between Earth and Mars Found

University of Sydney Geoscientists from Sydney and Sorbonne have embarked on an extraordinary journey, linking the dance of Earth and Mars to the pulsating life of our deep oceans. They have...
Tanah Lot, Bali. Source: NIPATHORN / Adobe Stock.

Tanah Lot: Bali’s Majestic Temple in the Sea

On a small three-acre island off the southwest coast of Bali lies a cherished sea temple , Tanah Lot. Its name aptly translates to "Land in the Sea" in the Balinese language, a fitting description...
AI generated image of a complete shipwreck, representative of wrecks that have recently been discovered in the Mediterranean Sea. Source: MediaM/Adobe Stock

Survey Finds Two Dozen Shipwrecks Proving Historic Mediterranean Sea Routes

Archaeologists have long believed ancient mariners were excessively cautious when sailing the Mediterranean, staying close to the coast at all times to avoid the risk of tumultuous mid-sea storms and...
New study suggests primordial life originated in sea spray. Source: Rysak / Adobe Stock

Chemists Suggest Primordial Life Began in Sea Spray

A team of chemists from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana have discovered a mechanism that could explain how the fundamental ingredients of living cells were first created in the...
An artist's illustration depicting Xerxes' alleged "punishment" of the Hellespont: Xerxes lash sea (Public Domain)

Persian King Xerxes Ordered the Sea to be Whipped as Punishment

Xerxes I, also known as Xerxes the Great, was a 5th century Achaemenid king of the Persian empire. He is best known for leading the massive invasion of Greece, marked by the battles of Thermopylae,...
The Great Salt Lake Enigma: Science Shows Anomalies – Evidence of a Global Flood?

The Great Salt Lake Enigma: Science Shows Anomalies – Evidence of a Global Flood?

When the first American settlers reached the shore of the Great Salt Lake in the middle of the 19th century, many of them believed that this vast inland sea was a remnant of the floodwaters that had...
Artist’s representation of underwater ruins.

The Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

( Read Part II here ) In his Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization , Graham Hancock examines the numerous structures that have been discovered underwater around the world. Most of the...
Dragon, Broncefigur, Golden Dragon, Thailand

The Devil’s Sea: Bermuda Triangle of the Pacific

The Devil’s Sea, otherwise known as the Dragon’s Triangle, is a region in the Pacific Ocean that has come to be associated with numerous accounts of disappearing ships and planes, sightings of ghost...
Ancient people seemed to have problems seeing or recognizing the color blue.

Invisible Blue: The Color That Ancient People Could Not See

We have all been told to be ‘careful what we wish for’ or that we ‘only see what we look for’ and maybe some of you have had past partners who claimed that you ‘took them for granted and made them...
Medieval maritime trade. Credit: Yury Kisialiou / Adobe Stock

The Hanseatic League: Dominating the Baltic Maritime Trade

The Baltic Sea has historically been an important region for maritime trade. Its favorable location, which acts as a connection between major nations and trading hubs, always made it a focal point...
Scientists studying 55-million-year-old fossils using groundbreaking tech have revealed that after the extinction of dinosaurs, giant anchovies roamed the sea. Pictured: Artist’s impression of saber-toothed anchovy being caught by an early whale.   Source: © Joschua Knüppe

55-Million-Year-Old Fossils Reveal Giant Anchovies With Monstrous Fangs

Scientists have made an amazing discovery about the humble anchovy. These small fish are usually found as a topping on a pizza. However, millions of years ago, they were saber-toothed predators who...
Seahenge – how it was found at low tide off the coast of Norfolk, England.     Source: Norfolk Archaeology Unit

Seahenge: A Subaquatic Monument of the European Bronze Age

Today, the United Kingdom is crisscrossed with many fascinating monuments from ancient times. From the ages when these islands were inhabited by different peoples and cultures of tribes from ancient...
Photograph of the ‘dogleg’ part of the Neolithic wall at Tel Hreiz, Israel. Source: E. Galili and J. McCarthy

Neolithic Wall is the World’s Oldest Sea Defense System

In Israel, archaeologists have found evidence of what could be the oldest sea defense wall. The Neolithic wall is up to 7000 years old and was built by a community as they battled against rising sea...
Viking explorers  Source: Vlastimil Šesták / Adobe Stock

Pre-Columbian Explorers in the Americas: The Hard Evidence

These days, few people still believe Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to travel to the “New World.” But there is still a debate over whether adventurers and explorers from Europe, Asia,...
The legendary Kobolds

Don’t Cross the Kobolds: Mischievous Spirits of European Folklore

In ancient folklore, the kobold is a small, pointy-eared, goblin-like creature with a short-temper and a mischievous spirit. While generally described as well-intentioned, angering a kobold is said...
Tanah Lot Temple, Bali

Tanah Lot Temple: Bali’s Stunning Sacred Sea Shrine

Bali regularly features as one of the most beautiful places in the world, a well-known Mecca for backpackers and travelers. The island not only has natural wonders, but also many architectural and...
‘Christ Walking on the water’ (1880?) by Julius Sergius Von Klever.

Walking the Waves: How Orion’s Ability to “Walk on Water” Was Ascribed to Jesus

Jesus’ supernatural stroll across the Sea of Galilee endures as one of the most popular Christian miracles. The outset of each version is identical: Jesus directs his apostles to row to the other...
Mazu: Legendary Guardian

Mazu: Legendary Guardian of the Chinese Seas and Social Media Marvel

Princess of Supernatural Favor, Empress of Heaven, Goddess of the South China Sea - these are just a few of the illustrious titles given to the Chinese goddess Mazu (Mat-su) since her incursion into...
Celtic Creation Myth – Eiocha and the one tree.

A Celtic Creation: Sea-foam, the Placenta from the Birth of the Universe

Creation myths are like bubbles of time, and when you pop one, stories of how prehistoric cultures interacted with each other, and nature, are found. Celtic mythology, more so than most folkloric...
‘Njord god of the sea’. (Deriv.)

Njord: The Tumultuous Marriage of a Norse God of the Sea and a Goddess Giantess

Njord was the god Norse sailors and fisherman turned to in times of need. He was a sea god with powers over the wind and the fertility of land along the coast. But what this deity is best remembered...
60 pieces of scroll have been reassembled in the latest scroll.

One of the Last Two Known Dead Sea Scrolls Is Deciphered

Researchers from the Haifa University have reconstructed the contents of one of the last two undeciphered Dead Sea Scrolls , disclosing a distinctive calendar used by a Jewish sect that lived in the...
Message in an old bottle

Adrift at Sea: The Long-Awaited Recovery of the Oldest Message in a Bottle

Two years ago, a bottle was found with a message in it that had been released before the outbreak of World War One. It had survived not only the ravages of the seas, but both world wars and the life...
An octopus and fish. Scandinavian mythology claimed the Kraken was a sea monster that looked like an octopus or a squid – but was much bigger.

Are Fossils Linked to the Legendary Kraken Enough to Prove its Terrifying Existence?

Scandinavian mythology claims the Kraken swallowed up whales and devoured ships. It has been described as a huge version of an octopus or squid. Legends have even claimed the terrifying sea creature...
Luwian Hieroglyphic inscription by the Great King of Mira, Kupanta-Kurunta, composed at about 1180 BC.

3,200-Year-Old Stone Inscription Narrates the Tales of Sea People and a Trojan Prince

A group of Swiss and Dutch archaeologists have announced the rediscovery of a 29-meter-long (95 ft) Luwian hieroglyphic inscription that supposedly narrates the tales of mysterious “Sea People” and a...
