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Roman aqueducts in Caesarea, Israel.

Water Management in Ancient Civilizations: From Aqueducts to Qanats

Water management has been a cornerstone of human civilization since the dawn of agricultural societies . The availability and control of water resources have not only dictated the survival of...
AI generated Ancient Celtic warrior prepared for battle.

Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain - An Interview with Martin Wall

We sit down with Martin Wall, author of Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain, to discuss his recent publication, the motivation behind it and more. Petros Koutoupis: Who is...
Caractacus: The Indomitable Celt.	 Source: Public Domain

Caractacus: The Powerful Celtic King Who Defied Rome

Caractacus: The Powerful Celtic King Who Defied Rome Caractacus was a king and tribal leader of the ancient Britons during the Iron Age and ruler of the Catuvellaunui, a powerful British tribe.  He...
Representative image of the Roman cavalry. Source: furyon / Adobe Stock  By Aleksa Vučković

Roman Cavalry, the Backbone of Rome’s Great Expansion

In ancient times, no army was truly powerful without a cavalry . The equivalent of modern tanks and special forces, cavalrymen were the terror of the ancient battlefields. A force to be reckoned with...
The Gaul Littavicus betraying the Roman cause and fleeing to support Vercingétorix during the Gallic Wars, in a painting by Théodore Chassériau citca 1838. Source: Public domain

Caesar’s Gambit: Reliving the Drama of the Gallic Wars

One of the principal aspects of growing empires is war. Throughout history, great kingdoms and realms were born at the expense of neighbors who were weaker and ripe for plunder. That is what happened...
Archaeologists survey the area near Trafalgar Square, London.        Source: © Archaeology South-East

Saxon ‘London’ Was Bigger Than Previously Thought

In a remarkable archaeological endeavor, the team from Archaeology South-East, a division of the UCL Institute of Archaeology, has made groundbreaking discoveries beneath the National Gallery at the...
Building blocks reclaimed from the ruins of the Roman legion base at Tel Megiddo.                Source: IAA

Archaeologists Unearth Largest Roman Legion Base in Israel

Archaeologists excavating at the foot of Tel Megiddo in Israel have uncovered “the largest Roman base” ever discovered in the country. Here, during the Roman occupation of Judea, a colony of highly-...
Cupid and Psyche (Amore e Psiche) - symbol of eternal love, by sculptor Giovanni Maria Benzoni. Source: Paolo Gallo/Adobe Stock

Love May Be Timeless, But the Way We Talk About It Isn’t

By David Albertson /The Conversation Every year as Valentine’s Day approaches, people remind themselves that not all expressions of love fit the stereotypes of modern romance. V-Day cynics might plan...
The bone, black henbane seeds and tar plug used to keep it sealed. Source: BIAC Consult

For Pain or Pleasure? Poisonous Plant Henbane Used by the Romans

While digging at the site of a rural, first-century AD Roman settlement in Houten-Castellum in the Netherlands, archaeologists uncovered a most unusual artifact. Inside a hollowed-out animal bone,...
Left; Cimex lectularius, bedbug. Center; Wing casings (elytra) of Oryzaephilus surinamensis found at Vindolanda. Right: Almost complete wing casing (elytron) of Aphodius sp. Source: Left; Daktaridudu/CC BY-SA 4.0, Center and Right; Katie Wyse Jackson/Vindolanda Trust

Romans Look to Have Brought Bedbugs to Britain

In a fascinating addition to our understanding of ancient Britain, recent archaeological work at Vindolanda, a key Roman garrison south of Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland, has unearthed evidence...
Conservator Bethan Bryan with the Roman arm guard. Source: Duncan McGlynn / National Museums Scotland

“Absolutely Amazing” Roman Arm Guard Pieced Together After 1,800 Years

Over 100 years ago, a Scot unearthed over 100 fragments of metal which he thought comprised a Roman chest guard. Now, National Museums Scotland have reconstructed the artifact and discovered that it...
Representational image of a Pyrrhic Victory and a bloody battlefield. Source: Mr. Bolota / Adobe Stock

King Pyrrhic’s Costly Conquest that Inspired the Term “Pyrrhic Victory”

The term “Pyrrhic Victory” stands as a testament to the intriguing and often paradoxical nature of warfare. Originating within the victories of the Greek king Pyrrhus of Epirus, this term has found...
Barbarian tribes.  Source: Salsabila Ariadina/Adobe Stock

Rethinking Barbarians: Were They Really Savages?

The term "barbarian" has long been associated with images of savagery and brutality, conjuring thoughts of uncivilized societies on the fringes of the ancient world. However, the question arises:...
Gladiator mosaic at a Roman villa in Nennig, Germany. Source: Carole Raddato / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

Spartacus: The Rebel Gladiator and His Final Last Stand – Part 2

(Read Part 1) Led by the Roman gladiator Spartacus, the Third Servile War stretched on from 73 to 71 BC, an attempt by thousands of Roman slaves to escape the gladiatorial ring. As a Thracian, forced...
Archaeological excavations at the Interamna Lirenas site in central Italy's Lazio region have revealed the prominent remains of a theater. Source: Alessandro Launaro

Interamna, An Obscure Roman Village Escaped 3rd Century Decline of Empire

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Roman settlement of Interamna Lirenas in central Italy’s Lazio region was a typical remote Empire town. It was believed to have suffered the same fate as so many...
Roman slave life meant a fate of brutality and the Roman Republic depended heavily on free work from human beings who had no rights nor possessions.  Source:  AS Photo Family/Adobe Stock

Bread, Chains and Rebellion, What It Was Like to Be a Roman Slave (Video)

Roman slavery was a grim reality, far removed from Hollywood glamour. Slaves, stripped of rights and possessions, endured lives of hardship and cruelty . Urban or rural, their roles spanned from...
Cursus Publicus, ancient Roman courier and transportation logistics masterpiece, fuelled the Roman Empire's success. Source: Bill Perry/Adobe Stock

Cursus Publicus: The Ingenious Postal System of the Roman Empire

No great empire is truly functional without a proper system of communication and transport. Logistics are what keeps a vast realm ticking like a good mechanism, and what brings it together into one...
Ancient Roman mosaic of debauchery. Source: Sailko / CC by SA 3.0.

Crazy Things the Ancient Romans Did (Video)

Beneath the refined façade of ancient Rome lie intriguing, lesser-known aspects of this civilization. For ordinary Romans, purple was off-limits. This rich hue, cherished by nobility, symbolized...
Excavations in Sarsina have uncovered the remains of a stunning Capitolium Temple. Source: Ministero della Cultura

Massive First-Century Capitolium Temple Identified in Northern Italy

From under the quiet north Italian town of Sarsina, archaeologists have unearthed an enormous Capitolium temple built by the Romans in the 1st century BC. Found in an exceptional state of...
Excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa reveal life in Roman slave quarters at time of eruption. Source: Ministero della Cultura

Excavations at Pompeii Villa Unearth Room Used by Roman Slaves

During excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa in a suburb of the doomed ancient city of Pompeii in southern Italy, archaeologists unearthed a small, cramped room that told a story of misery and...
Evidence in East England has revealed that there were Roman vineyards in the area. Source: mythja / Adobe Stock

Make Wine Not War: Digs in England Reveal 1st Century Roman Vineyard

Excavations in Cambridgeshire, England, recently produced evidence to suggest that Roman winemakers were active in the region in the first century, possibly as early as 43 AD. This was the time of...
Study reveals Romans bred bulldog-like canines 2,000 years ago. Source: svetography / Adobe Stock

Romans Bred Bulldog-like Canines 2,000 Years Ago, But Why?

A team of scientists measured a damaged 2,000-year-old dog skull discovered at a Roman site in Turkey. They discovered that not only did Romans breed a small flat-faced dog, similar to a French...
Illustration of Caesarea Sunken Treasure. Source: Declan Hillman / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Riches Resurface: Divers Unearth Caesarea's Treasure Trove (Video)

In a remarkable discovery, two divers recently stumbled upon an astonishing treasure trove in the shallow waters of Caesarea , an ancient Roman port located on the Mediterranean Sea. As they explored...
Ancient Roman funeral and mourning. Source: Erica Guilane-Nachez / Adobe Stock.

Watch the Reenactment of a Traditional Roman Funeral (Video)

The ancient Romans had a unique relationship with death and dying, and their burial practices were no exception. When someone passed away, their loved ones would gather around the dying person's bed...
