An English metal detectorist hunting for treasure in Hampshire recently unearthed something rare and startling. While scouring a field near the bucolic village of Buriton, where medieval artifacts...
Minted as a “naked and shameless” celebration of Julius Caesar's murder by a blade-wielding team of conspiratorial Roman senators in 42 BC, this solid gold ‘assassination coin’ is one of only three...
How do you know what the greatest treasure of human history is? You ascribe a monetary value to it of course. Some artifacts may appear priceless but at an antique auction house, everything has a...
By Epoch Newsroom / The Epoch Times Researchers have found fossil fragments that indicate the so-called Siberian Unicorn last walked the Earth a mere 29,000 years ago. The updated timeline is a huge...
Egyptian Blue is one of the first artificial pigments known to have been used by man. First created around 5,000 years ago by heating a mixture of a calcium compound, a copper-containing compound,...
A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has revealed that the unusual coating on ancient Chinese tea bowls, known as Jian tea ware, is actually an extremely rare form of iron oxide,...