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Pontius Pilate

Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo – Christ with Joseph of Arimathea Source: Public Domain

Did Joseph of Arimathea Bring the Holy Grail to Britain?

According to the Biblical Gospels , Joseph of Arimathea played a key role in the days following Jesus’ death and leading up to his resurrection . It is claimed that he removed Jesus’ body from the...
Scientists Settle Wilson’s Arch Debate Pinpointing Temple Mount Origin

Scientists Settle Wilson’s Arch Debate Pinpointing Temple Mount Origin

Historians and archaeologists have long argued about when exactly “Wilson’s Arch” in Jerusalem was built, with their estimates varying by 700 years. But now, a new cuttng-edge C14 testing method...
A section of the Pilgrim’s Path dating to the Second Temple period.    Source: SHAI HALEVY/Israel Antiquities Authority

Evidence Indicates Pilgrim’s Path Was Built By Pontius Pilate

The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced it has found solid evidence the Pilgrim’s Path in Jerusalem dates from the 1st century AD. This means that it was possibly commissioned by Pontius...