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Other Artifacts

Other Artifacts covers many items which have been recovered from the past and give us insights into ancient human worlds. From loaded Roman dice to the Shroud of Turin, these items help tell the stories of the varied culture and everyday lives of our ancestors. 

Father Crespi

Father Crespi and the missing golden artifacts

The story of father Crespi is one of the most enigmatic stories ever told - an unknown civilization, unbelievable artifacts, massive amounts of gold, depictions of strange figures connecting America...
Jesus Drawing

The Most Precious Biblical Artifacts of All Time – But Are They Real?

A set of biblical artifacts have been causing a storm of controversy for nearly a decade but a 10-year legal battle over the authenticity of the incredible biblical relics is finally drawing to a...
The Saqqara Bird

The Controversial Saqqara Bird

The Saqqara Bird is an artefact that was found in Egypt near the Saqqara Pyramid in 1898, during the excavation of the Padiimen tomb. The artefact, which resembles a bird, has been the topic of many...
