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Iraqi Transport Minister Announces that Sumerians Launched Spaceships 7,000 Years Ago

Iraqi Transport Minister Announces that Sumerians Launched Spaceships 7,000 Years Ago

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The Minister for Transport in Iraq made a controversial speech at the inauguration of a new airport in southern Dhi Qar, in which he stated that ancient Sumerians built the first airports 7,000 years ago and launched spaceships from there to explore other planets. He also claimed that all the world’s angels were Sumerian. To support his claims, he referred to the work of Samuel Kramer, Russian professor and Sumerian expert, who highlighted the Sumerians’ advanced understanding of the cosmos.  

The Sumerians were the first known people to settle in Mesopotamia over 7,000 years ago.  Located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (modern day Iraq), Sumer was often called the cradle of civilization. By the 4th millennium BC, it had established an advanced system writing, spectacular arts and architecture, astronomy and mathematics. 

The Sumerians recorded their astronomical observations as early as 3500–3200 BC.  Astronomical phenomena were important to the Sumerians, who equated planets with gods that held an important role in their mythology and religion.  Jupiter, for example, was associated with their main god, Marduk, patron deity of the city of Babylon.

Illustration of ancient Mesopotamia.

Illustration of ancient Mesopotamia. (Credit: Jeff Brown Graphics)

Arab news channel Albawaba reported that Minister Kadhem Finjan al-Hamami made his comments during a visit to a new airport construction site in southern Iraq, near Basra, where he claimed that the Sumerians had built an airport in exactly the same location in around 5,000 BC.

“It’s a long story, maybe you don’t know about it. Maybe even people from Dhi Qar don’t know – the first airports that were built on planet Earth were built in the 5th Millenium BC in Dhi Qar,” al-Hamami said, in an Al Jazeera translation. “There were Sumerians who launched spaceships [from Dhi Qar] and headed to other worlds,” he added, arguing that all the world’s angels “were Sumerian” and stating that Sumerians were the first to discover Pluto.

The video of his statement [in Arabic] can be viewed below.

While no one in the audience questioned the Minister, listeners were quick to jump to social media to rubbish his claims.  The Middle East Monitor shared comments from internet users who criticized the incompetence of the government. “Iraqi transport minister’s hallucinations about spaceships in Nasiriyah proves that the [Haidar] Al-Abadi government is full of fools, hashish addicts and the most worthless of humanity,” said Dawood Al-Basri.

To support up his claims, Finjan referred to the work of the late Samuel Kramer, who was one of the world's leading Assyriologists and a world-renowned expert in Sumerian history and Sumerian language.  In his book, ‘History Begins at Sumer’, Kramer argues that the Sumerians had the first achievements in all the major fields of human endeavour, including government and politics, education and literature, philosophy and ethics, law and justice, agriculture, and medicine. However, critics of the Transport Minister’s speech say that Kramer never mentioned ancient airports or spaceships.

The Lament for Ur at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Lament was one of several literary works that Kramer studied.

The Lament for Ur at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Lament was one of several literary works that Kramer studied. (public domain)

Nevertheless, the Minister does have a number of supporters among ancient astronaut theorists, who argue that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity, with many believing that ancient Sumer was the first place in which contact was made. 

Ancient astronaut proponents suggest that aliens came to Earth long ago, citing such evidence as this ancient Mesopotamian cylinder seal as proof of advanced technological influences

Ancient astronaut proponents suggest that aliens came to Earth long ago, citing such evidence as this ancient Mesopotamian cylinder seal as proof of advanced technological influences (public domain)

Top image: Modern impression on clay of Achaemenid cylinder seal, 5th. cent. BCE. A winged solar disc legitimises the Persian king who subdues two rampant Mesopotamian lamassu figures. (public domain)

By April Holloway



Well he is the transport minister of Iraq. Iraq being the present day Sumer so perhaps he has access to ancient artifacts and or knowledge that the rest of the word don't know about. After all - if there was conclusive proof of Alien spaceships built in Iraq at any time let alone ancient times, America, Isreal, The Vatican, Muslim countries, not to forget 'illuminate' (if they exist), and a host of other interested parties would be invading Iraq, if only to rid the place of evidence and bury it somewhere deep and dark so no one would ever find it - or confiscate it for reverse engineering to use as weaponry.
The guy lives and works in Iraq as Transport Minister - if anybody has access to secrets he does.

You wrote:
"Even the Egyptian variant of Annunaki makes you think: Inuqienankh = Water that Lives. Perhaps making reference to the overwhelming presence of water in every human being's body?".
Yes, and the Egyptians also had expressions for the watery fluids in cosmos, namely "the (eternal) Primeval Waters" which IMO can be compared to modern terms of hydrogen and helium in cosmos.

Read more of the Egyptian "Ogdoad" and the ancient prception of cosmos -

Perhaps not the Sumerians, but their "gods". Always wondered about some of the passages even in the Egyptian Book of the Dead about their "gods" "traveling across millions of years thru space", and the hieroglyph for "gods" being 3 WIND SOCKS. Just the fact these ancient peoples were aware that space distances were measured in YEARS makes you think and wonder. Even the Egyptian variant of Annunaki makes you think: Inuqienankh = Water that Lives. Perhaps making reference to the overwhelming presence of water in every human being's body? Again, HOW did they know all this thousands of years ago? Even the existence of the star Sirius and its coming into view Egyptian New Year, July 19th?

Native's picture

“Iraqi Transport Minister Announces that Sumerians Launched Spaceships 7,000 Years Ago”.
Dear oh dear! He needs certainly a Mytho-Cosmological Course :) Ancient Myths of Creation speaks of the factual making of the the ancient known part of the Universe. 
The ancient symbols and texts speaks of astronomy and cosmology and lots of celestial motions on the Sky – NOT of spacecrafts and alient beings as many modern humans thinks.
See the symbolism here –

One of The first things to be destroyed in the invasion of Iraq was the Baghdad museum and the ancient Sumerian tablets that tel the truth about how humans were created.Isis was also created and they done the same to similar artefacts..There is plenty of evidence about the annunaki,flying machines or winged discs in Iraq and Egypt and also the bible,and the garden of eden was in Iraq


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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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