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Ancient Roman sculpture of Cleopatra VII in the Antikensammlung Berlin (Sailko/CC BY 3.0) ; Netflix Queen Cleopatra played by English Adele James (Netflix); Cleopatra by John William Waterhouse. (Public Domain)

Egyptian Authorities Push Back on Cleopatra Portrayal

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The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (to be precise, Dr. Mostafa Waziri) has accused Netflix of the “falsification of Egyptian history.” They are pushing back, hard, after a new Cleopatra documentary portrays the legendary ruler of ancient Egypt as a black African woman. The Council said this is “blatant historical fallacy”.

A Blatant Historical Fallacy

According to a press release from Egypt’s Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, “Queen Cleopatra had light skin and Hellenistic (Greek) features.” This was in response to Netflix portraying her as a black woman in a new documentary series which will air on 10th May. The Council added that all of the statues of Queen Cleopatra are the best evidence of her true features, and they all confirm “her Macedonian origins”.

Dr. Mostafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said Queen Cleopatra VII, is portrayed in the new series “with African features and dark skin.” And by noting her ancestry and depictions from the time would indicate she was pretty fair skinned, he described the appearance of the historical figure as “a falsification of Egyptian history and a blatant historical fallacy”.

Fact And Fiction Melted In Hollywood
If this was a fictional movie based on Cleopatra’s life, perhaps the Egyptian Council would have less to say. However, the trouble arises because Netflix has classified the film as “a documentary.” The press release says those in charge of production should have been committed to presenting “historical and scientific facts, so as to ensure that history and civilizations are not falsified”.

The Supreme Council uses these and other contemporary depictions of Cleopatra VII to back its position. (MOTA)

The Supreme Council uses these and other contemporary depictions of Cleopatra VII to back its position. (MOTA)

Dr. Mostafa Waziri added that many antiquities of Queen Cleopatra, including statues and depictions on coins, show her with “fair skin, a drawn nose and thin lips”. And trying to counter the inevitable forthcoming waves of accusations of racism, Dr. Waziri added that the Council’s pushback on the Netflix production is “far from any ethnic racism.” He said he has “full respect for African civilizations and our brothers in the African continent that unites us all”.

Defending Egypt’s Fair Skinned Queen

Mostafa Waziri said the ruler was an “important and authentic part of the ancient history of Egypt.”

Dr. Nasser Makkawi, Head of the Egyptian Antiquities Department at the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, said that the representation of Queen Cleopatra in the forthcoming film, “contradicts the simplest historical facts.”

Makkawi says the film flies in the face of historians such as Plutarch and Diocassius, who both recorded the queen as being “light-skinned with a Pure Macedonian ancestry.” Therefore, the Council’s rejection of the film, before it comes out, is inspired by a sense of “defending the history of Queen Cleopatra VII,” according to Dr. Waziri.

Many classic modern depictions of Cleopatra from the 19th/20th century have her as very fair skinned. From Top left clockwise: Cleopatra and Caesar (1866). Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme; Cleopatra greeting Antony (1906) by Faulkner. (Public domain) ;‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens by 1874. (Public Domain) Cleopatra (1888) Waterhouse. (Public Domain)

Many classic modern depictions of Cleopatra from the 19th/20th century have her as very fair skinned. From Top left clockwise: Cleopatra and Caesar (1866). Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme; Cleopatra greeting Antony (1906) by Faulkner. (Public domain) ;‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens by 1874. (Public Domain) Cleopatra (1888) Waterhouse. (Public Domain)

These were likely based on contemporary images that existed of Cleopatra, ie what she commissioned as her likeness on coins, or even from images of her from the time.

Coins portraying Cleopatra VII from the time, and several images of Cleopatra portray her with red or light hair, which was not beyond possibility -  Alexander the Great’s hair was reported as ‘yellow’. (YouTube Screenshot/ ©Royalty Now)

Coins portraying Cleopatra VII from the time, and several images of Cleopatra portray her with red or light hair, which was not beyond possibility -  Alexander the Great’s hair was reported as ‘yellow’. (YouTube Screenshot/ ©Royalty Now)

Egyptians Were Different To Sub-Saharan Africans

Dr. Makkawi explained that King Ptolemy I of Macedonia was a leader in Alexander the Great’s army, and that he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty after the death of Alexander, in 323 BC. Ptolemy I married Queen Berenice I of Macedonia, and they gave birth to King Ptolemy II, whose sons and grandchildren all married their female sisters. And in keeping with this custom, Cleopatra married both of her adolescent Macedonian brothers, each of whom served as her ceremonial spouse and co-regent during her reign.

However, Tina Gharavi, director of the Queen Cleopatra docu-series writing in Variety Magazine, describes the family history as this:

“The known facts are that her Macedonian Greek family — the Ptolemaic lineage — intermarried with West Asia’s Seleucid dynasty and had been in Egypt for 300 years. Cleopatra was eight generations away from these Ptolemaic ancestors, making the chance of her being white somewhat unlikely. After 300 years, surely, we can safely say Cleopatra was Egyptian. She was no more Greek or Macedonian than Rita Wilson or Jennifer Aniston. Both are one generation from Greece.”

Dr. Samia Al-Mirghani, former Director General of the Center for Research and Conservation of Antiquities at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said:

“biological anthropology studies and DNA studies that were conducted on ancient Egyptian mummies and human bones confirmed that the Egyptians did not bear the features of sub-Saharan Africans”.

There do exist statues from Egypt that present a different image of Cleopatra, one of her depicted as the goddess Isis.

Left; Cleopatra VII figurine, The Louvre (Rama/CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) Right; Black basalt statue of the Ptolemaic period, identified as Cleopatra VII of Egypt in 2002. (I, George Shuklin/ CC BY-SA 2.0)

Left; Cleopatra VII figurine, The Louvre (Rama/CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) Right; Black basalt statue of the Ptolemaic period, identified as Cleopatra VII of Egypt in 2002. (I, George Shuklin/ CC BY-SA 2.0)

Cleopatra’s Fairness “Is Beyond Any Doubt”

This push back against the new Netflix film was supported by Dr. Catharina Martinez, the head of the Dominican mission, and an employee at the Taposiris Magna temple in western Alexandria. Martinex said that despite the existence of conflicting opinions about her race, “it is certain that she (Claeopatra) was born in Egypt in the year 69 BC of Macedonian origin.”

Dr. Martinez referenced a 1st-century BC marble bust of the controversial queen, that is preserved in the Berlin Museum. Depicting the queen wearing a royal wreath, she is featured with “almond eyes, a drawn nose and thin lips.” This professor concluded that “it is beyond any doubt” that Cleopatra had Hellenistic features.

Top image: Ancient Roman sculpture of Cleopatra VII in the Antikensammlung Berlin (Sailko/CC BY 3.0) ; Netflix Queen Cleopatra played by English Adele James (Netflix); Cleopatra by John William Waterhouse. (Public Domain)

By Ashley Cowie



Charles Bowles's picture

Hello LIAR,  I see that your MELT DOWN is really taking a serious psychological effect on your mental health..  So far as it stands right now, you have not intelligently contested anything that I posted in regards to The ancient BLACK GOD KNOWN AS “ZEUS” BEING OF ANY OTHER RACE THAN THE “BLACK RACE”, and you have not provided any evidence that proves that the CHIEF GREEK GOD “ZEUS” ws not WORSHIPED on the island of “CHIOS” by the surmame “A’THIOP” which meant “THE GLORIOUS BLACK”, which also referred to the BLACK SKIN of African people.  You have not proven that the Chief Greek God “ZEUS” who was worshiped in CHIOS by the surname “A’THIOP” was indeed the FATHER of many ancient OLYMPIAN GREEK Gods/Goddesses, who were his children and would also be of the BLACK RACE.  Your IGNORANCE is quite abysmal to the point that you cannot accept the fact that you have been poorly educated throughout your entire lifetime in regards to the TRUE history about BLACK RACE PEOPLE, and your education is VERY LIMITED TO WHITE RACIST PSEUDO SCHOLARS WHO PRIMARILY WRITES ABOUT “SLAVERY, SLAVERY, SLAVERY, AND MORE SLAVERY, as if Black peoples history is ALL ABOUT SLAVERY ha ha ha.  Your only reply to me was that Mansa Musa was a Slave Owner, as if he had something to do with the TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE DURING THE 17TH, 18TH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, EVEN THOUGH HE LIVED DURING THE 14TH CENTURY WHICH WAS AT LEAST 300 YRS BEFORE EVIL WHITE PEOPLE TRADED GUNS WITH DIFFEENT AFRICAN FACTIONS IN AN EFFORT TO HEIGHTEN TRIBAL WARS THAT WOULD PRODUCE MANY WAR CAPTIVES AS SLAVES TO BE TRADED FOR MORE GUNS ha ha..  MANSA MUSA had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RACIST WHITE TRANSATLANTIC EVIL SLAVE TRADE..  However Mansa Musa was emperor during the height of Mali’s emperical powers DURING THE “BARBARY COAST WHITE SLAVE TRADE’ WHICH INVOLVED MORE THAN 2 MILLION WHITE SLAVES BEING KIDNAPPED OFF EUROPEAN COASTAL AREAS AND WERE SOLD TO WEALTHY WEST AND NORTH AFRICAN NATIONS, AND ARABS.  The BLACK MOROCCAN emperor name MULAI ARCHID who was a pure 100% Black man which you can research that shows his photo had more than 20,000 WHITE SLAVES who served under him in MOROCCO.  In fact there were so MANY WHITE SLAVES in Africa during the time when many Blacks had been enslaved in the USA, that the USA GOVERNMENT REPORTEDLY SPENT 20% OF ITS GNP JUST TO BUY AND FREE WHITE SLAVES FROM AFRICA. Do you remember the old USA military song about fighting from the “LAND OF MONTEZUMA, TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI” (Tripoli, Morocco).  So you think that by trying to dishonor MANSA MUSA with LIES about slavery and how much you RESPECTS MLK will earn you some credibility with your LIES ha ha ha..  I GUESS THAT YOU FORGOT ABOUT ANCIENT GREEKS AND ROMANS WHO ALSO HAD “WHITE SLAVES” WHO WERE 99% ILLITERATE,IGNORANT AND WERE NOT CONSIDERED ROMAN CITIZENS, AND WERE BEATEN, OPPRESSED, KEPT IN RAGGED CLOTHES FOR CENTURIES.  ALSO THE OTTOMANS HAD MILLIONS OF WHITE SLAVES WHO THEY OFTEN CASTRATED,AND THE ENGLISH ENSLAVED THE WHITE IRISH.  So why are you mentioning about MANSA MUSA WHO LIVED DURING THE 1300’S, AS IF HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH EVIL WHITE EUROPEANS BRINGING GUNS INTO AFRICAN COUNTRIES TO ESCALATE TRIBAL FIGHTING SO THAT THEY COULD BENEFIT FROM OBTAINING BLACK WAR CAPTIVES FROM WARRING TRIBES WHICH THEY PROMOTED BY THE TRADE OF GUNS.   There is a book that I read when I completed my Master degree by age 26 titled “AFRICA BEFORE THE COMING OF THE EUROPEANS”, and there was a chapter that read “MORE GUN, MEANT MORE SLAVES”.  It was a myth about African sellig their own people as slaves, WHICH WAS A BLATANT WHITE RACIST LIE, when the truth was that the people traded as slaves were “WAR CAPTIVES’ due mostly to WHITE RACIST OWNED GUNS DELIBERATELY BEING TRADED TO CERTAIN BLACK TRIBES FOR THAT PURPOSE,  WHO WOULD SELL THEIR WAR CAPTIVES WITH THE USE OF THOSE GUNS.  Finally, again, you left the subject about the BLACK GREEK GODS, WHICH IS A FACT, AND THAT THE FIRST GREEK AND FIRST EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION  IN GENERAL WAS FOUNDED BY THE BLACK MINOANS WHO ARE SHOWN IN MANY RESEARCH BOOKS AS BLACK PEOPLE WITH THE SKIN COLOR SAME AS CHOCOLATE MILK, OR COFFEE LATTE, and they were not a SUNTANNED white people ha ha..  White people burn in the sun befor they even tan, and then PEEL LIKE A DRIED ONION.   later                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Charles

Charles Bowles

Charles Bowles's picture

Hello LIAR,  I see that your MELT DOWN is really taking a serious psychological effect on your mental health..  So far as it stands right now, you have not intelligently contested anything that I posted in regards to The ancient BLACK GOD KNOWN AS “ZEUS” BEING OF ANY OTHER RACE THAN THE “BLACK RACE”, and you have not provided any evidence that proves that the CHIEF GREEK GOD “ZEUS” ws not WORSHIPED on the island of “CHIOS” by the surmame “A’THIOP” which meant “THE GLORIOUS BLACK”, which also referred to the BLACK SKIN of African people.  You have not proven that the Chief Greek God “ZEUS” who was worshiped in CHIOS by the surname “A’THIOP” was indeed the FATHER of many ancient OLYMPIAN GREEK Gods/Goddesses, who were his children and would also be of the BLACK RACE.  Your IGNORANCE is quite abysmal to the point that you cannot accept the fact that you have been poorly educated throughout your entire lifetime in regards to the TRUE history about BLACK RACE PEOPLE, and your education is VERY LIMITED TO WHITE RACIST PSEUDO SCHOLARS WHO PRIMARILY WRITES ABOUT “SLAVERY, SLAVERY, SLAVERY, AND MORE SLAVERY, as if Black peoples history is ALL ABOUT SLAVERY ha ha ha.  Your only reply to me was that Mansa Musa was a Slave Owner, as if he had something to do with the TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE DURING THE 17TH, 18TH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, EVEN THOUGH HE LIVED DURING THE 14TH CENTURY WHICH WAS AT LEAST 300 YRS BEFORE EVIL WHITE PEOPLE TRADED GUNS WITH DIFFEENT AFRICAN FACTIONS IN AN EFFORT TO HEIGHTEN TRIBAL WARS THAT WOULD PRODUCE MANY WAR CAPTIVES AS SLAVES TO BE TRADED FOR MORE GUNS ha ha..  MANSA MUSA had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RACIST WHITE TRANSATLANTIC EVIL SLAVE TRADE..  However Mansa Musa was emperor during the height of Mali’s emperical powers DURING THE “BARBARY COAST WHITE SLAVE TRADE’ WHICH INVOLVED MORE THAN 2 MILLION WHITE SLAVES BEING KIDNAPPED OFF EUROPEAN COASTAL AREAS AND WERE SOLD TO WEALTHY WEST AND NORTH AFRICAN NATIONS, AND ARABS.  The BLACK MOROCCAN emperor name MULAI ARCHID who was a pure 100% Black man which you can research that shows his photo had more than 20,000 WHITE SLAVES who served under him in MOROCCO.  In fact there were so MANY WHITE SLAVES in Africa during the time when many Blacks had been enslaved in the USA, that the USA GOVERNMENT REPORTEDLY SPENT 20% OF ITS GNP JUST TO BUY AND FREE WHITE SLAVES FROM AFRICA. Do you remember the old USA military song about fighting from the “LAND OF MONTEZUMA, TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI” (Tripoli, Morocco).  So you think that by trying to dishonor MANSA MUSA with LIES about slavery and how much you RESPECTS MLK will earn you some credibility with your LIES ha ha ha..  I GUESS THAT YOU FORGOT ABOUT ANCIENT GREEKS AND ROMANS WHO ALSO HAD “WHITE SLAVES” WHO WERE 99% ILLITERATE,IGNORANT AND WERE NOT CONSIDERED ROMAN CITIZENS, AND WERE BEATEN, OPPRESSED, KEPT IN RAGGED CLOTHES FOR CENTURIES.  ALSO THE OTTOMANS HAD MILLIONS OF WHITE SLAVES WHO THEY OFTEN CASTRATED,AND THE ENGLISH ENSLAVED THE WHITE IRISH.  So why are you mentioning about MANSA MUSA WHO LIVED DURING THE 1300’S, AS IF HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH EVIL WHITE EUROPEANS BRINGING GUNS INTO AFRICAN COUNTRIES TO ESCALATE TRIBAL FIGHTING SO THAT THEY COULD BENEFIT FROM OBTAINING BLACK WAR CAPTIVES FROM WARRING TRIBES WHICH THEY PROMOTED BY THE TRADE OF GUNS.   There is a book that I read when I completed my Master degree by age 26 titled “AFRICA BEFORE THE COMING OF THE EUROPEANS”, and there was a chapter that read “MORE GUN, MEANT MORE SLAVES”.  It was a myth about African sellig their own people as slaves, WHICH WAS A BLATANT WHITE RACIST LIE, when the truth was that the people traded as slaves were “WAR CAPTIVES’ due mostly to WHITE RACIST OWNED GUNS DELIBERATELY BEING TRADED TO CERTAIN BLACK TRIBES FOR THAT PURPOSE,  WHO WOULD SELL THEIR WAR CAPTIVES WITH THE USE OF THOSE GUNS.  Finally, again, you left the subject about the BLACK GREEK GODS, WHICH IS A FACT, AND THAT THE FIRST GREEK AND FIRST EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION  IN GENERAL WAS FOUNDED BY THE BLACK MINOANS WHO ARE SHOWN IN MANY RESEARCH BOOKS AS BLACK PEOPLE WITH THE SKIN COLOR SAME AS CHOCOLATE MILK, OR COFFEE LATTE, and they were not a SUNTANNED white people ha ha..  White people burn in the sun befor they even tan, and then PEEL LIKE A DRIED ONION.   later                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Charles

Charles Bowles

I am speaking the truth, and you are a LIAR.  That’s the truth. Your false narratives are an insult to all Greek people and Egyptian people and ALL white people on the planet.  You speak NONSENSE in a pahtetic effort tp prop yourself up.  It seems you suffer from low self-esteem.  I admire GOOD and JUST black leaders such as Martin Luther King …. who you probaly reject.  Martin Luther King was not a racist against white people but wanted peace between ALL RACES.  I am for the HUMAN RACE and global peace.  Your continued racist rant is divisive and WRONG on history with your ilks attempt to STEAL actual Greek and Egyptian historical figures.  You should actually be ashamed of yourself and your dishonesty.  Alexander Hamilton was not black and neither was Cleopatra or the Greek Gods!!!  You people need to STOP this THEFT of white historical people.

Take a REAL look at black history in Africa and you will discover that BLACK SLAVERY ORIGINATED IN AFRICA ….  black King Mansa Musa was the wealthiest SLAVE-TRADER in Africa’s history!  He ENSLAVED BLACK PEOPLE to SELL TO THE MUSLIMS and eventually Europeans ….. which lead to the biggest international slave trade which involved many nations … including early America. So, THE ROOT of the slave trade started in Africa with greedy selfish kings like Mansa Musa … a truly dehumanized brutal person!  SLAVERY STARTED IN AFRICA as big business (NOT America) and SLAVERY continues to this day in Africa. REMEMBER → it was WHITE PEOPLE ENDED BLACK SLAVERY in America and Europe!!!!  Musa had forced his black slaves to mine for gold and became truly FILTHY RICH.  Mansa Musa showed off his wealth gained off the backs of enslaved black people.  Some distorted news outlets display musa as a benevolent king with the present day movement of activist blacks to prop up their ancestors as great people, or appropriate/steal HISTORICAL FIGURES from other cultures …. which is a vile attempt at stealing history by rewriting history to conform to the current vile wave of black racism which is attempting to remove and cancel out white historical figures such as Shakespere and Homer.  With the fake ideology of CRT being institutionalized  ….. education is lost …. and now we have uneducated ANGRY activists who are government CONFORMISTS ready to complain about the slightest thing … such as a “word” expressing a difference of OPINION. 

Everyone may become ENSLAVED under a global dystopian technocracy of greedy heartless globalist socialists if we don’t WAKE UP to stop it!!!  The FREEDOMS of people may be lost because of divisive people like you who attempt to rewrite history with A PACK OF LIES.

Hope you join THE HUMAN RACE again!!!! 


The narrative behind the race of Egyptians, and the discrediting of Black historians has always been rooted in racism and a desire to divest Africans of their history. Many reputed scholars, African, Black American, European, and otherwise, have cited credible evidence stating that many ancient Egyptians were what we would call in the modern age, “Black” (and I am not talking about Nubians, Cushites, Ethiopians or any other African peoples who are now “accepted” by Europeans as Black. I mean native Egyptians). The use of Cleopatra (who was herself as “Egyptian” as the British Raj was “Indian”), as evidence of some claim that so-called “Sub-Saharan” Africans (even the concept of “Sub-Saharan” Africans is racist, there are no Sub-Mediteranian or Sub-Caucasus Mountains Europeans, lol) are not native to Egypt is a blatant strawman argument with the intention of removing Africans from the millennia-long history of Egypt, in which many invading groups have displaced the original inhabitants, much like colonial Europeans, Africans taken from their homes as slaves, and later other “immigrants” have largely replaced the American Indian, First Nations and Indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. Similar tactics can be seen in the attempts by Europeans (and honestly, by many modern Egyptians as well concerning Egypt) to obscure the origins of Great Zimbabwe, Zanzibar, and Ethiopia, among others. Why is it only now that millennia-old stories like that of Mansa Musa, or the One-eyed queen of Nubia, are being told? Why did "certain" voices among modern Egyptians stay silent when Europeans depicted Egypt as White for years, but only now speak up?

Here is a video, among many, many others, that thoroughly debunks many of the falsities spoken concerning Ancient Egypt.



Charles Bowles's picture

TRUTH,    Without any hesitation I have to admit to you that I cannot refer to you by the name TRUTH, but instead, I have to reply to you as “LIAR”.   So I can truly say to you “LIAR” that your long ranting reply to my “TRUTHFUL” researched post really did cause you to have a “MELT DOWN” because everything that I posted was undoubtedly the TRUTH, and it cannot be intelligently contested at all.  IT IS TRUE THAT THE CHIEF OLYMPIAN GREEK GOD BY THE NAME OF “ZEUS” WAS WORSHIPED ON THE GREEK ISLAND OF “CHIOS” BY THE SURNAME “A’THIOP” WHICH WAS DEFINED AS “THE GLORIOUS BLACK”, WHICH ALSO REFERRED TO PEOPLE WITH BLACK SKIN, WHO ORIGINATED FROM AFRICA.  THE ANCIENT BLACK ETHIOPIANS NATION GOT ITS NAME FROM THE ANCIENT GREEK WORD “A’THIOP”.  You can continue with your “MELT DOWN” all you want, and see do I care one iota..   Since I am 100% convinced that the CHIEF OLYMPIAN GOD “ZEUS”  was Black, and the fact that he FATHERED MANY OLYMPIAN GODS into his family, IT IS QUITE REASONABLE TO KNOW THAT THOSE GOD/GODDESSES CHILDREN OF “ZEUS” WERE ALSO BLACK SAME AS HIM.   Furthermore,  the farther that one researches back into ANCIENT GREEK HISTORICAL CIVILIZATIONS, one will find that the ANCIENT GREEK RACE OF PEOPLE become a VERY BLACK RACE.  The very FIRST GREEK CIVILIZATION was founded by the BLACK MINOANS, and the reason for my comfort in repeating that TRUISM is because MOST of their paintings show them having VERY DARK BROWN SKIN LIKE THE COLOR OF CHOCOLATE MILK OR COFFEE LATTE, and not as some racists will refute by saying that the MINOANS were WHITE PEOPLE WITH SUNTANS that last year round, as if one is to actually believe the NONSENSE that practically the ENTIRE MINOAN POULATION REMAINED VERY DARK, AND NOT JUST A FEW PEOPLE.  I did see a painting of a MINOAN SHIP that had at least 6+ Minoan women, and they all were dressed in a West Indian style clothing, and wearing large Loop earrings, and MOST of the women were dark brown skin, with the exception of 3 of the women who appeared have white skin, UNLIKE the other beautiful Black women .  I would assume that they were “COMFORT” women for the Black Minoan men during their long merchant Sea travels.  There are depictions of these Black Minoans trading MINOAS which was where their name derives from, with the Ancient Black Egyptians, and there was no PHYSICAL DIFFERENCES, or DRESS CODE differences between the two parties,and the Minoans also wore the same style HEAD DRESS, same as the Egyptians.  The Black Minoans spoke a Greek Linear-A language which is UNLIKE any other GREEK language,and no other people understand the Black MINOAN Linear-A language to this present day..  FACTS           Greece is a nation that consist of MANY ISLANDS, and over the several MILLENNIUMS of years there has always been a CHANGE in the racial demographics same as it has been in MANY OTHER NATIONS.  Just 600 years ago the USA had no white population, but rather a NATIVE AMERICAN population, and the same goes for AUSTRALIA which had NO WHITE POPULATION 400 years ago, AND JUST BECAUSE THE MAJORITY  POPULATION OF THOSE COUNTRIES ARE NOW WHITE, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY WERE ALWAYS WHITE, AND THE SAME GOES FOR ANCIENT GREECE IN ITS RELATION TO PRESENT DAY MAJORITY WHITE POPULATION.  Rather than remain LIARS and refusing to accept the truth, many of you people simply have what I refer to as ignorant “MELT DOWNS”.     Charles

Charles Bowles


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Ashley is a Scottish historian, author, and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems in accessible and exciting ways.

He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of... Read More

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