The Mughal Empire , once a formidable force, met its demise through a series of internal and external challenges. Originating from the Barlas tribe, the Mughals blended Mongolian roots with Persian...
This ornate casing, currently held by the New York Met, holds a mysterious secret, a captivating enigma in the world of art. Crafted from solid 22-karat gold , it exudes opulence with its intricate...
Renowned French-Indian textile designer, Brigitte Singh, has masterfully revived ancient Mughal designs on fabric, igniting a renaissance of timeless beauty. With meticulous attention, she unfurls a...
Fatehpur Sikri is a hidden gem just 37 km (23 mi) southwest of the bustling city of Agra. This majestic town has a rich and intriguing history with roots tracing back to the Sikarwar Rajputs, a...
India’s many remarkable forts and citadels stand as a testament to its rich and turbulent history. These towering monuments, the majority of which are castles, fortified palaces , or fortresses,...
Precious jewels have been symbols of wealth and status for thousands of years. From rubies to sapphires to emeralds, societies all across the world have desired these stones for their use in...
An old man sits hunched over his prayer mat as dawn breaks over the horizon, his white beard soaked from tears shed through the night. No one would believe that this troubled figure is the sixth...
When we think of the empowerment of women, we usually think about Western culture. Nevertheless, the East has had its fair share of female role models. While Islam has historically given men the role...
In Mughal history, it is a well-known fact that Emperor Akbar’s court was exceptionally enlightened. Akbar sat at the helm of one of the most progressive courts of his time, ruling the Mughal Empire...
Immurement is a practice whereby a person is enclosed within a confined space with no exits. Normally, a person who is immured is left in that space till he/she dies, either of dehydration or...
Sitting alone in her quiet gardens, reciting verses of poetry and waiting for the end to come. This is how Princess Zeb-un-Nisa spent the final years of her life. Zeb-un-Nisa means “jewel among women...
One of the most well-known buildings in India is the Taj Mahal in Agra, which was commissioned by the Mughal emperor, Shahabuddin Muhammad Shah Jahan, more commonly known as Shah Jahan. This building...
The first garden-tomb that was constructed in India was the spectacular Tomb of Humayun devoted to the second Mughal Emperor. So magnificent was the monument, that it came to inspire major...
“A few only of Ptolemy's elephants ventured to close with those of the enemy, and now the men in the towers on the back of these beasts made a gallant fight of it, striking with their pikes at close...
The city of Mandu is located in the present day Dhar district situated in the Malwa region of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Perched atop a 20 square km plateau, the ruined city is not...
Excavations carried out by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) have uncovered the remains of a summer palace in the Mehtab Bagh (Moonlight Garden) opposite the Taj Mahal, according to a report...