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Iris Carrying the Water of the River Styx to Olympus for the Gods to Swear By Guy Head. Source: Public Domain

Iris: Greek Rainbow Goddess and Messenger Between Heaven and Earth

Anyone interested in Greek mythology will probably tell you it's like going down the rabbit hole. Whilst most people are familiar with the major Greek gods and myths, the Greek pantheon is nearly...
Paranormal animals of North America.

Hair-Raising Tales of Paranormal Animals that Possess Humans, See Death, and Act as Messengers of the Gods

Throughout time, numerous people have declared that they had witnessed strange and inexplicable occurrences involving the ghosts of the deceased, fantastic creatures, demons, and other similar things...

Clergyman claims angels have no wings

Most depictions of angels show a blond-haired woman in a white gown with feathered wings and a glowing golden halo, but is this what angels really look like? According to ‘Angelogist’ Father Renzo...