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The Garamantes carved out a thriving civilization in one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth. Source: Superhero Woozie / Adobe Stock.

The Garamantes, Ancient Masters of the Hostile Sahara

In the heart of the Sahara desert, an arid wasteland the size of the US, it seems nothing can survive. But there were some who mastered this most inhospitable of landscapes, and turned an empty land...
Deriv; Google Earth Saint Croix Basin, Artist’s concept of Underwater Ruins. Image of fish. Source:  (Anthony Jauneaud/flickr, (Saramarielin/flickr)

The Saint Croix Basin, an Irrigation Marvel for a Forgotten Civilization?

In my previous two-part article titled " The Exceptional Cuban Underwater City ," I argued that the existence of a city at a depth of over 2,000 feet (609 m) below sea level off the coast of Cuba...
An artist’s depiction of the chinampas. Source: Archeomaps

The Chinampas: The Ingenious Aztec “Floating” Farms of Mexico

When faced with the seemingly impossible task of feeding a huge population in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs came up with an ingenious solution about 1,000 years ago. Located in the...
Kallanai Dam. Source: Elamaran Elaaa / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Kings Split a River & Fed Millions (Video)

In antiquity, the Chola Dynasty of southern India demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in managing water resources, particularly in the fertile plains of Tamil Nadu . The ancient Chola caves, dating...
Ceramic drainage pipe. Source: Yanpeng Cao./Nature

Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Ceramic Pipe Drainage System in China

A team of archaeologists from China who specialize in the study of ancient water management systems discovered the earliest ceramic pipe drainage system ever found on Chinese soil. This marvel of...
The Faiyum Oasis extends for hundreds of miles, and has enabled life and civilization in the Nile River Valley.	Source: Nader / Adobe Stock

Faiyum Oasis: The Heart-Shaped Hidden Garden of Egypt

In TV shows and movies, if an oasis is shown, it is usually either a mirage or some tiny pool of water next to a palm tree in the middle of the desert. We could be forgiven for thinking that all...
The Ruins of Quilmes, Argentina

Quilmes Ruins, Sacred Place of Diaguita People

Argentina is a vast country revered for its many natural wonders and beautiful scenery. Less well-known, however, are its historic sites. In fact, some of the most important pre-Columbian ruins, such...
South Bridge, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China.

Dujiangyan: The 2,200-Year-Old Chinese Irrigation System That is Still Used Today!

The oldest irrigation system in the world is in China. Called Dujiangyan, it is also the only surviving monumental non-dam irrigation system from the ancient past. A marvel of Chinese science and...
Aerial view of an ancient irrigation system discovered in the foothills of Xinjiang, China.

Did Ancient Irrigation Technology Travel Silk Road?

Using satellite imaging and drone reconnaissance, archaeologists from Washington University in St. Louis have discovered an ancient irrigation system that allowed a farming community in arid...
Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Aqueducts and manmade wells built about 1,500 years ago in Peru by the Nazca people are still in use today and supplying water for daily living and irrigation to people in desert areas near the...
Solved: The Mystery of the Spiraling Holes in the Nasca Region of Peru

Solved: The Mystery of the Spiraling Holes in the Nasca Region of Peru

Spiraling holes, known as puquios, are located in the Nasca (Nazca) region of Peru. This is the same place where gigantic geometric images are located carved into the landscape. After years of...
6200-year-old ancient parasite egg

6200-year-old parasite egg may be first proof of early human technology spreading disease

Latest research shows that schistosomiasis, a disease caused by flatworm parasites, may have been spread by earliest crop irrigation in ancient Mesopotamia, suggesting early technology exacerbated...
The Incredible Subterranean City of Kish

The Incredible Subterranean City of Kish

The island of Kish is a resort island located off the coast of Iran. Although it is well known as a tourist destination, it is also steeped in history. One of the most magnificent features of this...
Ancient Water System in Iran

Archaeologists uncover 5,000-year-old water system in Iran

Archaeologists in Iran made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the Farash ancient historical site at the Seimareh Dam reservoir – a 5,000-year-old water system . The research team is...
Oldest Roman irrigation system in Britain

Archaeologists uncover oldest Roman irrigation system in Britain

Excavations at a £1 billion housing development site at Cambridge University in England have revealed what archaeologists believe is Britain’s oldest-known Roman irrigation system . In addition to...
Dujiangyan Irrigation System

The legacy of Dujiangyan: China’s ancient irrigation system

Dujiangyan is the oldest and only surviving non-dam irrigation system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan province in...