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Corpus Hermeticum: first Latin edition, by Marsilio Ficino, 1471, at the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, Amsterdam. (Public Domain)

Aion: The Demiurge and the Destiny of Man in the Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus

The Hermetica are a collection of ancient texts composed in Egypt between roughly 200 BC and 400 AD, attributed to the legendary sage Hermes Trismegistus and his followers. As is well known to...
Hermetic Individuation: The Way Of Hermes and The Rite of Rebirth

Hermetic Individuation: The Way Of Hermes and The Rite of Rebirth

There are only a handful of surviving texts that describe what could be termed true “rites of passage” along the Way of Hermes. One such text—which contains what many consider the essential Hermetic...
Plato and Aristotle in The School of Athens by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Public Domain)

Hermetic Individuation: The Discovery of the Self in the Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus

At the core of the philosophy of Plato, we find one of the oldest written accounts of a type of psychological physics in the history of Western literature. Drawing from Pythagorean and archaic Greek...
Pyramids - Orion

Mirrors of Orion: Star Knowledge of the Ancient World – An Introduction

Egypt is the image of the heavens, and the whole Cosmos dwells here, in this its sanctuary— but the gods will desert the earth and return to heaven abandoning this land that was once the home of...