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A marine archaeologist holds up intact glass vessels.	Source: Regional Historic Museum Burgas

Ancient Glassware Recovered from the Depths off Bulgaria’s Coast

In June 2024, an extensive underwater archaeological survey was carried out in Chengene Skele Bay, near the city of Burgas, Bulgaria. The expedition explored five distinct areas within the bay,...
An 18th-century Rococo painting of The Amazon Queen Thalestris in the Camp of Alexander the Great, by Johann Georg Platzer	Source: Public Domain

Five Fascinating Tales from the Lives of Hellenistic Royalty (Video)

The Hellenistic Age , spanning three centuries from Alexander the Great's death to the rise of the Roman Empire, was a period of Greek cultural expansion and the establishment of monarchies in Greece...
: From 1967 to 1969, archaeologists excavated the Kyrenia shipwreck, which had been discovered off the north coast of Cyprus in 1965.	Source: Cornell University

Almonds, Pottery and Wood Help Accurately Date Famed Kyrenia Shipwreck

Cornell University Researchers have identified the likeliest timeline of the famous Hellenistic-era Kyrenia shipwreck, discovered and recovered off the north coast of Cyprus in the 1960s. Historic...
The Hellenistic gold ring found in the Dity of David, Jerusalem.         Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

A ‘Deeply Moving’ Hellenistic Gold Ring Found in Jerusalem

In the heart of the ancient City of David, a glimmering and emotive piece of history has been unearthed. A gem-encrusted gold ring, dating back to the early Hellenistic period, was recently...
AI image of ancient Greek civilization, a Greek temple ruins with a female goddess statue.

Fascinating Facts About the Hellenistic Age (Video)

The Hellenistic Age , spanning from 336 to 31 BC, emerged in the wake of Alexander the Great's conquests, which disseminated Greek culture across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Following his demise, his...
AI image of a bustling ancient Greek agora, filled with passionate philosophers engaged in intense debates, surrounded by exquisite marble statues. Source: stocker/Adobe Stock

Seven Fascinating Things about Greek History (Video)

In the annals of history, Greek civilization stands as a beacon of innovation and intrigue. Delving beyond the well-trodden paths of mythology and philosophy, we uncover seven captivating facets of...
The Siege of the Acropolis, by Georg Perlberg (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Ancient Origins Of Modern Greece

Nationhood is a figment of the collective imagination, actualized by a cluster of symbols and ideas – flags, anthems, sports teams, traditional dress (sometimes), a common religion (often), shared...
The perfectly preserved bronze mirror found in a shallow grave alongside the Hellenistic escort. Source: Yoli Schwartz / Israel Antiquities Authority

High-Class Hellenistic Escort Remains Found At Roadside

The body of a Greek Hellenistic woman has been discovered in a shallow grave beside the highway to Jerusalem. Laid to rest with a rare box mirror, this was no ordinary female, as she was a highly-...
Archaeologists discovering roman era makeup and jewelry at the Aizanoi archaeological site and, right, an example of the makeup. Source: Anadolu Agency

2,000-Year-Old Roman Era Makeup & Jewelry Unearthed in Ancient City of Aizanoi

In the ancient city of Aizanoi, located in Turkey's Kutahya province, archaeologists have unearthed remnants of cosmetic products, which include jewelry items and makeup materials, dating back over 2...
Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh of an independent Egypt, had four children: Caesarian (with Julius Caesar), twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphia (the latter three...
Pergamon Altar of Zeus in modern-day Turkey. Right; one of the friezes from the altar.	Source: Left; cem/Adobe Stock Right; Miguel Hermoso Cuesta/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Pergamon Altar: Where Legends Come to Life

Nestled in the serene landscape of ancient Pergamon, a city that once flourished in the Hellenistic and Roman eras, lies a remarkable testament to human craftsmanship and religious devotion: the...
Statue of Venus de Milo. Source: ssrbuzz / Adobe Stock.

Venus de Milo's Controversial Journey (Video)

The Venus de Milo, an armless ancient statue , has an intriguing story that spans centuries and involves a possible cover-up. Discovered by a Greek farmer in 1820 and sold to the French, the statue's...
With the death of Cleopatra, the Hellenistic period was officially over. (Public domain)

Alexander's Legacy: The Hellenistic Period and the Dawn of a New Era

The Hellenistic period was a time of great change and excitement in the ancient world. Spanning from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC to the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC, this era saw...
Ancient Bullet With ‘Victory’ Inscription Uncovered in Israel

Ancient Bullet With ‘Victory’ Inscription Uncovered in Israel

A lead sling bullet from the Hellenistic period with a Greek inscription proclaiming victory in battle, has been discovered in Israel. Dated to 2,200 years old, it was excavated in Yavne, and bears...
The Greek bathhouse found in Berenice, Egypt may have been a center for rest and relaxation for the Egyptian military.  Pictured: 1858 painting by Fyodor Bronnikov                      Source: Public Domain

Ancient Greek-Style Bathhouse for Egyptian Military Found near Red Sea

Ancient Egyptians are renowned for their sense of cleanliness and hygiene, and bathhouses for therapeutic purposes have been found dating as far back as 2000 BC. In a brand-new discovery,...
Egyptian slaves and others in Egyptian dress. Source: Adobe Stock / Ruslan

The First Recorded Incident of an Escaped Slave

Today, slavery is seen as one of the worst atrocities mankind has ever committed, but once slavery was seen as just another part of everyday life. The Hellenistic world of ancient Greece was no...
The Hellenistic cremation burial remains found in a 2,300-year-old tomb in the ancient city of Chalcedon that is now part of modern-day Istanbul, Turkey.		Source: Sebnem Coskun / Anadolu Agency

Rare Hellenistic Cremation Burial Found in Turkey in 2,300-Year-Old Tomb

A rare 2,300-year-old Hellenistic cremation burial has been discovered in Istanbul. Artifacts discovered in the Hellenistic-era burial tomb are revealing secrets about the city of ancient Chalcedon,...
The Hellenistic tomb of a woman found in the Kozani region of Greece. Source: Kozani Ephorate of Antiquities

Hellenistic Elite was Buried on a Bronze Bed with Gold in Her Mouth

Ancient tombs are fascinating finds, especially when they’re intact. They can provide us with clues on how a person died, social status, burial styles, and funerary rites. The last of these is...
A small stretch of the ancient Naples necropolis known as the Ipogeo dei Cristallini or the Hypogeum of Cristallini Street is set to open to the public in mid-2022, shedding new light on the Italian city’s Greek history and Greek cultural origins.		Source: Ipogeo dei Cristallini

Naples Necropolis Reveals Room-Like Tombs and Rare Greek Art

The Ipogeo dei Cristallini or the “Hypogeum of Cristallini Street” is part of an ancient necropolis in Naples dated 2,300 years ago. It is uniquely Greek, or Hellenistic and will open to the public...
A bird’s eye view of the Seleucid Hellenistic fortress burnt to the ground by Jewish freedom fighters nearly 2,000 years ago!

Evidence of Hannukah Story Found in Razed Hellenistic Fortress

In the Shephelah region or the Judean foothills of south-central Israel, archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a Seleucid Hellenistic fortress that was burned by Hasmonean (Judean) conquerors...
A view of the excavations of the main quadrangle of the Uzundara fortress in 2021.   Source: Institute of Archaeology RAS

First Excavations at 2,300-Year-Old Bactria Kingdom Fortress Completed

In the Boysun region of southeastern Uzbekistan, a joint Russian-Uzbek archaeological expedition recently achieved an historic first . They have just finished their initial round of excavations at an...
Archaeologists excavating the kouros statues at the Temple of Zeus in Euromos. Source: Anadolu Agency

Discovery of Kouros Statues Puts Euromos Temple of Zeus Lepsynos on the Map

Archaeologists working in the province of Muğla, Turkey are celebrating an exciting archaeological find. During routine excavations and restoration work at the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in the ancient...
The San Casciano dei Bagni ancient Roman bath site (left), next to the modern baths.

Ancient Roman Baths and Sanctuaries Found at San Casciano dei Bagni

In the culturally and historically rich province of Tuscany in central Italy there is an old way of blessing someone verbally. It translates into the phrase “...from the warm waters of San Casciano...
New Digital Map Gives Fresh Details About The Ancient City Of Pergamon

New Digital Map Gives Fresh Details About The Ancient City Of Pergamon

The German Archaeological Institute has just released detailed updated digital maps of the ancient city of Pergamon (also known as Pergamum). For the first time since 1973, the new cartography...
