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The Healing Stones

The first Name of Stonehenge was "heaven"

Every Body is Wally

Top Secret: 1974's Stonehenge Free Festival hollow stem cutter head
cored 1) concrete, 2) brass, 3) wood, 4) iron, 5) silver; and 6) gold.
Horseshoe magnet lowered in hollow stem auger hole confirmed
ferromagnetic iron under Heelstone face as a man, 1.2m (4ft)
below Stone base. Gold, silver, & iron on the cutter head.

Core barrel, Sampling barrel, Inside same.
Schonstedt GA-22 anomaly: Confirmed.

Top Secret: Tell no one!

Allah Wally

Top Secret: 1984's Stonehenge Free Festival hollow stem cutter head
augered 1) concrete, 2) brass, 3) wood; and 4) ferromagnetic iron.
Horseshoe magnet lowered in hollow stem auger hole confirmed
ferromagnetic iron under the Heel Stone calf head, 1.2m (4ft)
below Stone base, with iron traces lodged in cutter head.

Core barrel, Sampling barrel, Inside same.
Schonstedt GA-22 anomaly: Confirmed.

Top Secret: Tell no one!

YHWH Wally

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven (stonehenge): and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither (north), and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne (mishkan) was set in heaven (stonehenge), and one (heelstone) sat on the throne (mishkan).
And he (heelstone) that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow (heelstone ditch) round about the throne (mishkan), in sight like unto an emerald.
And round about the throne (mishkan) were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders (24 fossils) sitting, clothed in white raiment (the chalk); and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
And out of the throne (mishkan) proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning (brass altar) before the throne (mishkan), which are the seven Spirits of God (7 gold relics).
And before the throne (mishkan) there was a sea of glass (the channel) like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne (mishkan), and round about the throne (mishkan), were four beasts full of eyes (heelstone eyeholes) before and behind.
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle (heelstone pareidolia).
And the four beasts had each of them six wings (4 heelstone, 2 mishkan) about him; and they were full of eyes (heelstone eyeholes) within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him (heelstone) that sat on the throne (mishkan), who liveth for ever and ever,
The four and twenty elders (24 fossils) fall down before him (heelstone) that sat on the throne (mishkan), and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne (mishkan), saying,
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

The Healing Stones

Stonehenge (heaven) shall be a site of healing, again. Creatures may go there to be made well. The blind will receive sight. The lame shall walk. The lepers will be cleansed. The deaf shall hear. The dumb will speak. The maimed shall be made whole. The cancered will be cured. And the dead shall be raised up. Bluestones in the centre of Stonehenge (heaven) will be recharged, and the magical healing powers (G=c^5/Power, G=c^4/Force) in the Bluestones shall return; After the throne (mishkan) exhumation @ Heelstone.

However, if any charge or any fee for admission to Stonehenge (heaven) is ever imposed; Including, but not limited to: parking, taxes, bookings, etc, that site of healing will cease, again. Creatures may go elsewhere to be made well, Bluestones in the centre of Stonehenge (Heaven) will be discharged, Power of G, Force of G, stopped; And the magical healing powers in the Bluestones shall end, again.

Voluntary donations,
Anonymous gifts,
are acceptable.

Touch centre Bluestones, not Me, this time.

Allah YHWH Wally

Gravitation - Dark energy

Recharge galaxy, Earth's magnetic shield also.
Exhume, recharge, & polar flip simultaneously.

seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (666), ten horns (x10), ten crowns (^-10), and Rev-13's beastly tail (space^3/mass-time^2) cm^3/g-s^2.

Gravitation - G, the Letter of God, the mark.
Gravitation - JESUS, the Word of God, the name.
Gravitation - G'S US, the Sentence of God, the image.
Gravitation - 666 x10^-13 m^3/kg-s^2, the Wisdom of God, the number.

mason G=c^5/Power, & mason G=c^4/Force.
the mark, the name, the image, the number.

GRAPES-3 indicates a crack in Earth's magnetic shield

YHWH Allah says Dig, or Die.

Mishkan 1.2m below Heel Stone
@ Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Very interesting your post!

Very interesting your post! Thanks... i  will visit the website for more information.


Stonehenge is very old and its story is connected with old festival that hill our mind and body. Visit

Origins of the king of Stonhenge.

I have Discovered that there has been a Back Mutation or Recombination in my DNA, And when comparing my parents samples with mine in a Advanced Bronze age Origins Test which is a high-resolution DNA test, which calculates the proportion of 10 ancient gene pools in your genome. This is what i have Discovered 

Mums Gene pool composition.

East Africans
Canaan and Anatolia
Northeast Asia
European Bell Beakers
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba
South Paleoamerica and Oceania
North Paleoamerica

Dads Gene pool composition

East Africans
Canaan and Anatolia
Northeast Asia
European Bell Beakers
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba
South Paleoamerica and Oceania
North Paleoamerica

My Gene pool Composition

East Africans
Canaan and Anatolia
Northeast Asia
European Bell Beakers
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba
South Paleoamerica and Oceania
North Paleoamerica

In my Gene Pool composition I Have an extra 0.2% Canaan and Anatolia, i Have also  8% Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba where both my parents have 0%,

My Paternal Grandparents Lines are :                    

Swann – Grandfather     ---------                    

Reay – Grandmother

My Maternal Grandparents Lines are :

Allen – Grandfather 

Raine – Grandmother

From reseaching into these four lines, I have been able to build these lines  four lines to the Kingdoms of Anatolia and to the tribes of israel

My confirmed  Y-DNA haplogoup is R-BY41654 - R1b1a1b1a1a1b

My Fathers confirmed  Y-DNA haplogoup is R-BY41654 - R1b1a1b1a1a1b

This is a Royal haplogroup: R1b1a1b1a1a1b

and it has Subclade Match distance of 0 with Thomas Tomaidh Mor (1430) Clan MacThomas, I have also been able to work out a male line for him to the Kingdoms of Anatolia and to the tribes of israel.

Here is a link to My Heritage tree

Family Tree - Martin Jonathon Swann True King - MyHeritage

I believe the recombination in Anatolian DNA has givern me the 8% Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba which proves the theorys of the Origins Early Bronze Age Albion’s and Alba’s

Martin Jonathon Swann 

There are other great stone

There are other great stone circles like Stonehenge – I came to know of this rather recently.

Enjoys ancient trivia

Looks quite interesting

Looks quite interesting

Gonna read more about them
