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Emerald Tablet

Representational image of the allure of incredible ancient texts. Source: Sodapeaw / Adobe Stock

Ten Extraordinary Ancient Texts That Exploded Our Ancient Knowledge

There are literally thousands of incredible texts that have survived from the ancient world, which are etched onto copper, beautifully inscribed on papyrus, chipped onto tablets, and even written...
Ibn Umail describes a statue of a sage holding the tablet of ancient alchemical knowledge. Illustration from a transcript of Muhammed ibn Umail al-Tamimi's book Al-mâ' al-waraqî (The Silvery Water), Islamic miniature probably from Baghdad (Public Domain)

Perfect Nature: Encountering The Self As A Spiritual Guide In The Arabic Hermetica

The Pseudo-Aristotelian Hermetica are a core subgroup of Arabic Hermetic texts which take the form of discourses and letters of the philosopher Aristotle to Alexander the Great. The texts concern an...
Carving of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth

Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries

Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god with the body of a man, head of an ibis, and a crescent moon over his head. His symbol was the winged serpent staff. He was the...
Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Unpublished 17th-century AD alchemical documents reveal Sir Isaac Newton’s private Egyptian pyramid studies, in his quest to calculate a date for the End of Days. In July 1936 AD, a metal chest...
Moldavite, green vitreous silica rock found in South Bohemia             Source: KPixMining/ Adobe Stock

The Cintamani Stone - A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble Philosophy?

The Cintamani Stone, or Chintamani, long sought by treasure hunters, has captured the imagination of man through the ages as tales of this wish-fulfilling jewel have spread around the world. The...
Representation of the Emerald Tablet

The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe

The origins of Western alchemy can be traced back to Hellenistic Egypt, in particular to the city of Alexandria. One of the most important characters in the mythology of alchemy is Hermes...
Sir Isaac Newton and the Philosopher’s Stone

Sir Isaac Newton’s Secret Quest for the God Engine

Isaac Newton, English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor and natural philosopher was one of the most influential and accomplished scientists in history. After Newton died, however, he...