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Delian League

Aristocratic Athenian Hero Pericles Versus Demagogue Villain Cleon

Aristocratic Athenian Hero Pericles Versus Demagogue Villain Cleon

The founding of the Delian League in 478 BC moved the Athenians closer to the idea of democracy. However, although the Athenians believed that all men were created equal in political power and the...
Socrates and Alcibiades by Kristian Zahrtmann  (1910) Statens Museum for Kunst (Public Domain)

Athens’ Alcibiades: Charming Playboy, Conniving Politician Or Treacherous Opportunist?

Pericles and Alcibiades were both descendants of the Alkmeonidai, an ancient Athenian aristocratic family. Pericles (495 – 429 BC) was an influential Athenian politician and general in the fifth...
Landscape of the ancient city of Eretria, Euboea, Greece. Source: photo_stella / Adobe Stock

From Mycenaean to Macedon: The Prominence of Eretria in Greek Colonization

Eretria is an ancient Greek city state located in the southern part of Euboea , a Greek island facing the coast of Attica . Eretria is said to have been founded during the 8th century BC and was one...
Ancient Greek warrior fighting in the combat. Credit: Fotokvadrat / Adobe Stock

The Peloponnesian War: Intrigues and Conquests in Ancient Greece

When speaking of ancient Greece, most of us tend to think of their sprawling city states, iconic classical culture, philosophers, and myths – and rightly so. Classical Greece was certainly a...
Herakleia Under Latmos: A Prosperous City of the Past and its Mystical Connection with the Moon

Herakleia Under Latmos: A Prosperous City of the Past and its Mystical Connection with the Moon

Herakleia under Latmos is an ancient site situated on the southwestern coast of modern day Turkey. The site has under Latmos as its epithet due to its location on the southern slopes of Mount Latmos...