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The Green Sahara

Since learning about when the Sahara was lush and green and became the great desert due to a cyclic earth wobble that moved all the rains away, I’ve been fascinated by several questions.  Who lived there, where did they come from and where did they go?  The last question is answered by assuming they fled to the Nile area and jump started Egypt’s civilization.   So that raises the basic question of how high a civilization did they have?  Anyone else interested?  I’ll confess to superficial knowledge based on You Tube videos on the topic of the Green Sahara.  I just can’t help suspecting that this area is a missing link.


Green Sahara

Yes Ancient Sunflower, I have recently been studying through youtube videos that the Sahara Desert was green. Here is a link to the page on this website that contains information pertaining to a time when the Sahara was green.

I have watched all of the youtube videos on this topic, so I am looking forward to learning more on this website. 

Reply to #1

A hobby of mine is google earth archeology. I have many pins for the Sahara. I'd drop some photos for you but I don't see a photo option. So try this one (22.8592280, -3.8691370) . 



I would have liked to see the

I would have liked to see the Sahara when it was Green, and what kind of plant species grew there before it became a desert..
