In a world where the delicate balance of nature is threatened by human activities, a group of American scientists has taken on an extraordinary mission. Hidden away within the walls of San Diego Zoo’...
By Valeria Sukhova / Siberian Times At first, scientists believed they had found male cave lion cub siblings that were born 44,000 years ago and found ten meters (32.8 ft.) apart in Yakutia, but the...
By The Siberian Times reporter Permafrost preserved the ‘oldest blood in the world,’ boosting hopes of bringing an extinct species back to life. The blood comes from an Ice Age foal that is arguably...
A clawed, flightless bird that went extinct in New Zealand in the late 13th century might be brought back to life, claim scientists at Harvard University. Nearly three decades ago, archaeologists...
By The Siberian Times reporter A prehistoric lion cub has been found in permafrost on the bank of Tirekhtykh River of the Abyisky district of Yakutia by local resident Boris Berezhnov. The young...
By Anna Liesowska / The Siberian Times Scientists revealed today that they have found the first-ever well preserved brain of a Pleistocene canid. Exclusive video and pictures show the autopsy on a...
As gene technology develops, scientists move ever closer to the possibility of bringing extinct species back to life . The Long New Foundation in California is on the front line of research...