The annals of medieval warfare are replete with epic clashes often overshadowed by their more celebrated counterparts. Among these overlooked conflicts is the Battle of Mohi in 1241 AD, where the...
The term "barbarian" has long been associated with images of savagery and brutality, conjuring thoughts of uncivilized societies on the fringes of the ancient world. However, the question arises:...
More than two-and-a-half centuries after they were originally composed, more than 100 letters sent to members of the French navy by their loved ones have finally been opened and read. The messages...
Hoplite comes from the Greek word “ ta hopla ,” which means “tool” or “equipment,” and was the name given to legions of citizen soldiers who were tasked with protecting their territories from outside...
The University of Nottingham is leading a collaborative study that aims to identify the place of origin of iron Viking weapons, using their chemical fingerprints. For example, Viking weapons made...
The Battle of Shiloh was a one of the battles fought during the American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865), in 1862 in southwestern Tennessee. The Union’s victory at the Battle of Shiloh...
Rome’s famous blood bath viewing location, The Colosseum, is to be fitted with a €10 million euro ($12.3 million) high-tech retractable floor giving visitors an insight into the lives of ancient...
Paris, ‘the city of love’, is the world-famous capital of France and is renowned for its culture, art, architecture and more. The metropolis’ humble beginnings date back to 3rd century BC when it was...
A pillar of Emperor Trajan's military victories, the Column of Trajan is as much a benchmark of Rome's strength as an empire as it is a monument to Trajan's success as a leader. Situated at the...
Ruthless and unpredictable, few armies have been as terrifying as the Huns. Descending on a town like a whirlwind from hell, the savage horsemen killed indiscriminately – combatants and civilians,...
Golubac Fortress is a medieval fortified city located in the northeastern part of modern day Serbia. This fortress is situated at the very entrance of the Djerdap Gorge, which is known also as the...