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The ancient origins of the ceremonial Kava drink of the Pacific

The ancient origins of the ceremonial Kava drink of the Pacific

The ancient origins of Kava drinking is known to trace back at least 3,000 years and is associated with both social and ceremonial function. It was, and is, highly valued for its medicinal uses as a...
Uncontacted indigenous tribe in the Brazilian state of Acre

Operation Awa - giving the forest back to one of the most endangered tribes on the planet

We are Awá. We do not want to live in cities. We want to live here. We have much courage, but we need you close to us. We don’t want anything… but to live as we live and be who we are. We just want...

People Power forces government to protect Brazil's most threatened tribe

The Awá tribe, was named by Survival International as the world’s most threatened tribe, according to Vanity Fair. The Awá (or Guajá) are an indigenous group of people living in the eastern Amazon...