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Nemrut Mountain at 2150 meters with colossal statues, and stone heads. A UNESCO World Heritage site. Anatolia, modern day Turkey. 	Source: Bulent/Adobe Stock

Ancient Anatolia: Cradle of Civilizations (Video)

Ancient Anatolia: Cradle of Civilizations (Video) Ancient Anatolia stands as a rich tapestry of human civilization, with its history weaving together a myriad of cultures, empires, and innovations...
Aerial image of the excavations at Kültepe Kanesh, Anatolia.              Source: Keyseri Provincial Directorate of Culture & Tourism

Oldest Start-up? First Company in Anatolia Founded 4000 Years Ago

An extraordinary discovery in Kültepe has shed light on the ancient origins of commerce in Anatolia. A 4000-year-old cuneiform tablet reveals that the first company in the region was founded by a...
The painted hieroglyphs unearthed in 2022 in the Yerkapı Tunnel in Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites, one of Anatolia's earliest civilizations.	Source: AA

Hieroglyphs at Hattusa Tunnel Reveal New Chapter in Hittite History

The discovery of painted hieroglyphs from 2022 in the Yerkapı Tunnel in Hattusa, the ancient capital of the Hittites, have now been deciphered. These Anatolian hieroglyphs have finally been unveiled...
Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Source: Omar hoftun/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Unmatched 9,500-Year-Old Honeycomb City of Çatalhöyük

Overlooking the Konya Plain in Turkey lies the remarkable and unique ancient city of Çatalhöyük, the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date. At a time when most of the world's people...
Van Fortress or Castle of Van, is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu.	Source: seyfullah/Adobe Stock

The Forgotten Kingdom of Urartu: From Prosperity to Fall

The Kingdom of Urartu, a once significant ancient civilization nestled in the rugged terrain of the Armenian Highlands, flourished from the 9th to 6th centuries BC. Often overshadowed by its...
During a survey in the Tunceli province of the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, archaeologists uncovered two fortress settlements and identified two new open-air Urartian temples. Source: Erdoğan, S. ve Çakırca, D./IHA

Two Incredibly Old Rock-Carved Urartian Temples Identified in Turkey

Archaeologists carrying out an ongoing survey in Turkey’s Tunceli province in Eastern Anatolia have discovered two open-air Urartian temples inside two fortresses at settlements that date back to the...
View overlooking Göbeklitepe Building B.	Source: Dosseman/CC BY-SA 4.0

Anatolia: A Cradle of History and Rich Culture (Video)

Anatolia , nestled between the continents of Europe and Asia, is a veritable treasure trove of ancient civilizations and cultural heritage. Despite Herodotus's misconceptions, the region's historical...
Heraion Teikhos, ancient Thracian city in modern day Turkey. Source: Tekirdağ Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism

2,800-Year-Old Thracian “Pharmaceutical” Center Unearthed at Heraion Teikhos, Turkey

In 2021, a team of researchers unearthed a 2,800-year-old temple at the ancient Thracian city of Heraion Teikhos, in Turkey. Now, a water system has been identified leading to a space within the...
Hattusa ivory ornament, dating back 2,800 years has been recently discovered and showcases depictions of sphinxes, lions, and trees of life on its ivory surface.    Source: Anadolu Agency

2,800-Year-Old ‘One of a Kind’ Ivory Object Unearthed At Hattusa

During excavations at Hattusa, capital of the Hittite kingdom during the late Bronze Age, archaeologists discovered a one-of-a-kind object crafted from Hattusa ivory, estimated to be around 2,800...
Representational image of a cuneiform tablet from Hattusa, Turkey. Source: torocat / Adobe Stock

Previously Unknown Language Found on Ancient Hittite Tablets in Turkey

In the midst of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge language models, a significant archaeological discovery has unfolded in Boğazköy-Hattusha ( Hattusa ), the old Hittite capital in Turkey...
Harput Castle, Elazig, Turkey.            Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

2500-Year-Old Technology and an Ancient Kitchen Unearthed at Harput Castle

Harput Castle has long stood as an emblem of Anatolia's rich tapestry of history. A gem nestled in Turkey's landscape, its enigmatic walls and remnants have many tales to tell, and recent excavations...
The captivating Medusa Mosaic uncovered in the Odeon at Kibyra. Source: Mehmet Kılınc/Pexels

The Ancient City of Kibyra and its Stellar Rise to Power

The modern region of Anatolia, in Turkey, is well known as a hotspot of ancient civilizations. Also known as Asia Minor, it was a true crossroad of great powers in the pre-Christian era. From the...
Stone Giant Unearthed Among God Heads At Aizanoi

Stone Giant Unearthed Among God Heads At Aizanoi

Researchers digging in the ancient city of Aizanoi have announced the discovery of many new artifacts and works. But the discovery of an “almost intact” statue of a giant man with one foot takes the...
Sayburç relief in Turkey shows men in combat with animals and is the oldest narrative scene on record. Source: K. Akdemir/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Oldest Narrative Scene: A Man, Holding His Penis, and Fighting Leopards!

An 11,000-year-old carving from a Neolithic bench in south-eastern Turkey maybe the world’s oldest narrative scene. It depicts menacing leopards, amongst other animals, flanking two men, one of whom...
Trepanned skulls have been found worldwide, from Siberia to Turkey to Peru. Pictured: Peruvian trepanation patients. Source: University of Miami

Was this Trepanned Skull Found in Turkey the Work of Magicians or Medics?

Researchers in Turkey have unearthed yet another trepanned skull. But was this brutal operation the work of magicians or medics? While the academic disciplines of neurology and neurosurgery didn't...
Scroll of Asclepius with an inscription. Source: Background; Alexey Pavluts / Adobe Stock, Insets; Left;CC BY-SA 3.0; Right; CC BY-SA 4.0

Second Century Asclepius Inscription Found at Anatolian Site

Archaeologists performing excavations in the ancient city of Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia, in the Black Sea region of northern Turkey unearthed a piece of rock that contained a most revealing...
The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by permanent human settlements and the invention of agriculture starting about 10,000 years ago. This is what the early Neolithic homes looked like in Pre-Pottery Neolithic B housing in Aşıklı Höyük, modern Turkey.                     Source: Sarah Murray / CC BY-SA 2.0

Ancient DNA Reveals Anatolian Neolithic Revolution Migration Patterns

Beginning approximately 12,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution sparked one of the most profound and lasting changes in human history. Humanity’s adoption of agriculture as an alternative to the...
The latest find of a 7,800-year-old female figurine in Ulucak Mound, Turkey. Source: Anadolu Agency

7,800-year-old Female Figurine Found at Anatolia’s Ulucak Mound

One of the most prominent and oldest Neolithic sites found in what is now Turkey has yielded yet another interesting find – a clay statuette of a female figurine has been unearthed in Izmir, dated to...
Evidence of gladiator tombs found at the ancient city of Anavarza, which was controlled by the Roman Empire for many years. Over the centuries, Anavarza was either controlled or attacked by the Byzantine Empire, Abbasid Caliphate, and the Mamluks of Egypt. Source: Anadolu Agency

Roman Gladiator Tombs Found By Team of 54 “Dig Hunters” in Turkey

A team of fifty-four specialists in Turkey have been excavating in and around an ancient Roman amphitheater. They recently discovered an ornate burial area devoted to gladiator tombs. The setting of...
Anatolia’s Mighty Phrygia, The Kingdom Of Myth And Midas

Anatolia’s Mighty Phrygia, The Kingdom Of Myth And Midas

In the western-central arid heartland of ancient Anatolia, the river Sangarios snaked through the ancient Iron Age Kingdom of Phrygia , once a rival to Assyria in the south-east and Urartu in the...
A cat mummy on display at Aksaray Museum. 	Source: IHA/ Daily Sabah

1000-year-old Cat and Baby Mummies on Display in Turkey’s Aksaray Museum

The museum at Aksaray, the gateway of Turkey’s Cappadocia region to the West, holds a very special mummy section that displays as many as 13 local mummies to interested visitors. Astonishingly, apart...
In a first for ancient Anatolia, archaeologists found this stone sarcophagus belonging to the elite bodyguard Tziampo, which was inscribed in Latin with the title “Emperor’s Protector.”		Source: TRT

Emperor’s Protector Sarcophagus Is A First For Anatolia

Representing a national first, an ancient sarcophagus bearing the title “Emperor’s Protector” has been unearthed in western Turkey (ancient Anatolia). Furthermore, it's also the first time the...
The 1,800-Year-Old marble bathtub from Aphrodisias.	Source: Hurriyet Daily News

Rare 1,800-Year-Old Marble Bathtub from Aphrodisias Rescued from Thieves

A raid by Turkish police on March 31, 2022 led to the recovery of a rare and valuable ancient artifact that was about to be sold by smugglers. In Turkey’s western or Aegean province of Aydin , law...
The lion gate of The Hattusa (nejdetduzen /Adobe Stock)

The Royal Bloodline Of The Hittite Empire

Tainted by regicide, usurped, regained, inspired by gods and goddesses and even cursed, the royal bloodline of the Bronze Age Hittites flowed through the plains of Anatolia , as the kings expanded...
