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Grisly Tales Marriage and Murder – Who were the Ancient Danites & Danaan? Part II

Grisly Tales Marriage and Murder – Who were the Ancient Danites & Danaan? Part II

The Danaan and Danites are a mystery people for many historians. Speculated to have been Greek seafarers in the late Bronze Age, they are also closely associated with the Sea Peoples who ravaged the...
Ancient Battle

Identifying an Ancient Battle and Dating the Song of Deborah

In the world of academia, it has always been the general consensus that some of the Bible’s poetry predates its prose literature. For instance, the poetry came first, whether it was preserved orally...
Lifestyle of Rich and Famous in Ancient Times

Lifestyles of the rich and famous in biblical times

The city of Caesarea, located on the Israeli coastal plain near the city of Hadera, is known for the lavish lifestyle of certain contemporary residents. But it is not just the rich and famous in...
Mysterious Voynich manuscript  'genuine message'

Mysterious Voynich manuscript has 'genuine message'

The 15 th Century Voynich manuscript is considered to be the most mysterious text ever uncovered as it has never been decrypted despite over a century of attempts to uncover meaning and more than 25...