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  • Reply to: Who Reached America First? Hint: NOT Columbus!   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Alicia,

    Interesting article thank you for sharing for some reason this article reminded me of The Book Before the Mayflower it's on my too Read List.

    I think I believed Columbus discovered America October 11, 1492, up until High School. Honestly, I can't say what changed for me in the idea of Columbus discovering America.

    I lost interest in that part of history I wouldn't gain it back till I gained a brilliant History Teacher who taught me the following What is the Significance of 1492?

    1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel unite and kick the Moors out from Spain.

    Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand promotes the idea of Spanish Pride into Spain.

    Catholicism is brought back and the notorious Spanish Inquisition Begins in 1492, archeological and anthropology sites in Mexico prove The Inquisition was brought to the America's.

    1492, Spain embarks on the African Slave trade along with Portugal and so begins the Nightmare of The Middle Passage The Mid-Atlantic Slave trade too The America's.

    1492, The Spanish Crown charges Columbus with following responsibility:

    1. Search for Trade Route to India
    2. Introduce Catholicism to India
    3. Carry African Slaves on Columbus Ships where they're too plant crops such as Sugar Cane in India.
    4. Claim India for Spain.

    Columbus never found that Trade Route to India he simply landed on one of the Islands near Florida called the people on the Islands Indians and began practicing The Spanish Inquisition onto the Native Population and the African Slaves from the Ship's.

    It took me a while to get the Significance of the Poster Homeland Security fighting since 1492.

    Thanks to my History Teacher I know why now.

    So what do I think of Columbus Discovery well The America's wasn't Lost it was Columbus.

  • Reply to: Who Reached America First? Hint: NOT Columbus!   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Gary Moran

    Don’t let anyone in the Chinese Communist Party read this. They would probably use it to claim North America as part of their ‘ancestral lands’ as they are trying tpo do with vast parts of Asia.

     And, if Warwick needs proof, how about the ‘cocaine mummies’ in Egypt and the copper that came from Michigan and ended up in the Old World? Those things didn’t just fly over on their own. Just because we dion’t know specific names of those early visitors does not prove they were not here.  

  • Reply to: Who Reached America First? Hint: NOT Columbus!   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Warwick Lewis

    Is something truly "discovered" if the discovery is not shared with other people ??
    When we say "discovered" we are referring to new information being passed into the realm of shared knowledge.

    The native Americans may have inhabited the land but they did not have any concept of it being a separate continent with other lands and people existing outside of it.
    Columbus "discovered" it as a new part of the world unknown to his culture beforehand.

    The evidence for Chinese Greek or Welsh explorers having reached America is at best flimsy at worst entirely fanciful.

    Viking attempts at settlement seem to have failed to be effective and the secrecy and deciptive nature of their efforts left the "discovery" unknown to the broader community.
    Leaving the "discovery" a private matter that didn't contribute to humanities understanding of the globe.

    Columbus expanded knowledge for the benefit and furtherment of all navigators and map makers.
    His exploration opened the door to a flood of new ideas and possibilities.
    This is what defines it as a discovery.

  • Reply to: Irish Child’s Skeleton may be a Viking Murder Victim   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Some of the Norse/Dane DNA in the Irish today would surely be Anglo-Norman.

  • Reply to: Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier   3 years 7 months ago

    Anatolia, or the real First Rome, Romania, really was the cradle of civilization, a huge state, united on land before the breakthrough of the Bosporus by sea and the division of this state. The Black Sea, formerly the Russian Sea, named Rus-Ukraine, should not be confused with the artificially created "Russia" in 1721 on the site of the post-Jordanian Moscow ulus kingdom. Ukrainians used to be called antas.

  • Reply to: Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier   3 years 7 months ago

    Anatolia, or the real First Rome, Romania, really was the cradle of civilization, a huge state, united on land before the breakthrough of the Bosporus by sea and the division of this state. The Black Sea, formerly the Russian Sea, named Rus-Ukraine, should not be confused with the artificially created "Russia" in 1721 on the site of the post-Jordanian Moscow ulus kingdom. Ukrainians used to be called antas.

  • Reply to: Ancient Cataclysms: 9 Catastrophes That Rocked the World   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: arky

    A flood affected. "Alexandria, Beirut, Cairo, Egypt, Italy, and Jerusalem"10-12k years ago?  Those cities were either not in existence then or barely even an unnamed collection of huts. If anything resembling a city was in existence at that time a flood of this enormous size would have erased any sign of it.

  • Reply to: The Comet that Sparked a Worldwide Flood ‘Myth’   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: arky

    It seems 2 me that a solid wall of water 60+ feet high and miles n miles wide would not leave a "hi water mark " on a pyramid ,it would obliterate it and push the blocks of stone miles from their supposed location 11k years ago. Likewise with the Sphinx. While i find this great flood theory interesting n worthy of research, it also proves,indirectly,that the pyramids etc were Not there at the time proposed as the flood would have washed any structures above ground far away.

  • Reply to: 666 Sanctified: The Beast Was Fake News   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: William Bradshaw

    I am the world’s leading authority on the occult, which simply means hidden knowledge. I am not an occultist but was a member of a secret society over 40 years ago. I never divulged any of their secrets. I wrote Secrets of the Pink Kush which details EXACTLY what 666 and the New World Order means, among many other things including the exact biological makeup of the gods/tetraploid humans. This qualifies me to say this article is fantasy and/or just another cover story for the Venetian/Luciferian conspiracy. The three sixes means three six gods or TRIPLE GODDESS. All of this symbolism and the conspiracy is orchestrated by the HIDDEN ONES, the tetraploid humans called the Serpent People.  

    The 666 sequence is based upon the trinity and is the symbolism for a deceitt based civilization.This is a Luciferian (Venetian) matriarchal society which is also known as the New World Order. Satan is 5, Lucifer is 6, God is 7. The TRINITY is God, Satan and Lucifer or the Father, Son and  Holy Spirit. The trinity is supposed to be balanced with the 5,6 and 7.

    The 21 gun salute is another exmple of this ancient symbolism. A 21 gun salute is a military honour which consists of 3 sets of 7 gunshots. This is 777 which represents the soldiers ascent into Heaven.

    The 666 means a one sided matriarchal slave based system. Deceit must be employed to implement such a system due to its inherently sinister and misandrist nature.

  • Reply to: A Monumental Cover Up? Why did Gobekli Tepe End Up in the Dirt?   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Garry Denke

    Gobekli Tepe is an Above-ground Man-cave Shoring-university.

    Stonehenge is a Stone-age Cave-shoring Branch-campus.

    T-Pillars-shoring and Lintels-shoring for Caves taught.

    Every shore-Caveman knows it. Why don’t you?

    Cave-creatures Kids-carved during Class.

    Homes went wood. Schools closed.

  • Reply to: Gobekli Tepe   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Garry Denke

    Gobekli Tepe is an Above-ground Man-cave Shoring-university.

    Stonehenge is a Stone-age Cave-shoring Branch-campus.

    T-Pillars-shoring and Lintels-shoring for Caves taught.

    Every shore-Caveman knows it. Why don’t you?

    Cave-creatures Kids-carved during Class.

    Homes went wood. Schools closed.

  • Reply to: 666 Sanctified: The Beast Was Fake News   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: mhearns


               The gematra you refer to is using the numbers of the Hebrew alphabet as numbers and the spelling of Nero Ceasar added up to 666. But that is tribial pursuits and not scientific. The function of 666 as outlined in the article above particularly with the equation with 1260 X 666 and divided by 2300 shows that the biblical writers were sophisticated mathematicians, which they never got recognition for because no one knew about the secret formulas. Michael Hearns (author) .  

  • Reply to: Prehistory Decoded   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Andante Bird

    I read “ History Decoded” by Sweatman & found it fascinating. If it is true as the philosopher avers that we can see as far into the future as we know of the past, then the book is more than an evening read competing with television or film. .. I felt a sense of humanity with these people from long ago who cared about the future, who or what comes next. ... good, good read

  • Reply to: 8,400 Year Old Dog Burial With Grave Goods Unearthed   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Archaeologist

    It's interesting to wonder about the moment humans first learned dogs could be useful in the hunt, but I find domestication less interesting than the love our ancestors showed to these valuable canines.

    It's the development of a relationship with dogs that's very, very important to understand. We consider dogs as pets in our current environment, but they seem to be always so close to their wild nature.

  • Reply to: 666 Sanctified: The Beast Was Fake News   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Meine

    There has been many doubts to add the book of revelations to the bible. It's a a confusing bunch of stories, which can be easily misinterpretated. There is a story the number 666 has something to do with Emperor Nero. But that's not clear. The last modification on this book has been done after the year 700, in Greece, written in Greek. The danger and violence of the islam was very known at that time.

    Revelations does not warn for "666", that number is a mnemonic for "600 - 60 - 6" added up. To perform an addition, you stack the numbers. and very remarkable if you write in Greek, 600-60-6, that is ‘Chi – Xi – Stigma’, or "χ ξ ϛ" vertically, you will read in arabic: allah akbar. We all know who that is. So, imho, this is a warning for the danger of islam

  • Reply to: The Myth of the Basajaun: A Basque Story of an Ancient Encounter   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Crasslee

    Probably not, as Basque is neither an Indo-European language, nor related to it in any way. Also it's not dead. It's still a thriving language in the Basque region of Europe.

  • Reply to: The Myth of the Basajaun: A Basque Story of an Ancient Encounter   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Bruce Nowakowski

    interesting the similarities between Basjaun and Pan.  I know in indo-european languages the B and P are sometimes interchange, wonder if it crosses into this extinct language as well. 

  • Reply to: The Little Ice Age and Its Giant Impact on Human History   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello B.B. Wagner,

    I'm left with a few curious questions the First, what is it with Indonesia with and their Volcanos they seem to have the worst eruptions on Scientific Scales with the exception of Santorini's.

    The second curious thing Mt. Salamas erupted in 1257? Why did The Little Ice Age occur in1312-1320 when the volcano cried out too the world in1257?

    Too cause that wide spread Famine in Europe is shocking; the only reason why I'm asking is because when Mt.Timbora erupted in where else Indonesia in 1815, it was said to be bigger than Krakotas eruption in 1883.

    The affects of that eruption was felt the following year Benjamin Franklin called it the winter without Summer or maybe the Summer without Winter that was a year at best in 1816.

    That's my questions for science.

    In the case of Church based Faith about The Little Ice Age; too me, it was the Apocalypse.

  • Reply to: The Colossal Hand of Hercules, So Where is the Rest of Him?   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Wu,

    That's funny the three missing fingers thank you for identifying the spot of 1 of the 7 Churches mentioned in The Book of Revelation Philadelphia Christ gave the Church a positive review and encouraged them too keep up the good work.

    Thank you for sharing this article it was eye opening.

    You know I think that hand thought to be Hercules even with The Temple being right there could just as easily be King Shion or King Og, in The Bible; since both King's were identified as Rephalims that temple could have been erected in honor of Their Great-Grandfather's; remember the children of the Fallen Watcher Angel's? Such as that Molech being?

    Those areas of Jordan were under their rule perhaps the temple was in fact King Og or King Shion's Palace. That's funny i just figured out where Ogre came from.

    Great article Wu goodbye until next time.

  • Reply to: Greek Gods: The 7 Core Males Exposed   3 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello DHTWY,

    Alright, this is an exciting article DHWTY thank you for sharing your wonderful article.

    First things first I would like too address Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, I think this is where people got The Holy Trinity confused with these 3 Being's.

    When for example, some one gets baptized at least, in Christian Setting: I just found out that Judaism does Baptism as well...

    As I was saying in Christian Settings when one is Baptized; the minister who is often, assisted, by the Assistant Pastor states the following: "So and So I now Baptized you in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit", most people generally refer to the Holy Spirit as The Great Uncle.

    In the African American Churches; on the other hand, the Pastor's say "So and So I now Baptize You in The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost", now that I'm aware that The Holy Ghost/The Holy Spirit is Woman then this means there isn't a great-uncle.

    I believe it is because of those Greek stories about Hades, Poseidon and Zeus The Big Three that people believe in a great-Uncle.

    Then there are those weapons of choice that the Zeus statues depict him carrying.

    A Thunder-Bolt or sometimes two odd spear like weapons with two prongs attached too it in the gods hands.

    Apparently, wherever weather deities were introduced in The Ancient World there always shown carrying these Weapons.

    Due too intense study of Enoch I'm certain that 3 Fallen Angel's of The Watchers carried those weapons that produced lightening...

    Baraqel I know for a fact his name means Giver of Lightening and or Lightening Giver.

    Then there's Poseidon's Trident.

    I remember looking at the glossy pictures in a Big Family Bible and seeing a depiction of Lucifer and one-third of his Fellow Angels thrown out of Heaven.

    This was because of the War they ignited in Heaven.

    Lucifer was grasping a Trident in his Hand; not a pitch-fork.

    The symbol of that Trident is depicted nearly all over the World too.

    Then there's Hades but He's mentioned in Revelation and is along with his brothers and others like Him such as Death will be executed in The Lake of Fire. All persons who follows in Lucifers or The False Prophet and even The Watcher Angels and Their Children; thereafter, will taste the Second Death where Probation is over for everyone.

    To me these greek stories are lining up with The Biblical Book's of Enoch.

    According too what the Greeks say these deities lived on Mt. Olympus?

    According to Enoch 1 The Book of the Watchers Mt. Olympus does indeed exists but, it's not of our World, Our Planet.

    Mt. Olympus is in God's Country although, while The Greeks identified the mountain as Mt. Olympus in Enoch it is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

    Enoch describes the Holy Mountain as Vast huge massive think of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest packed inside Each other Enoch said this Mountain filled the Heaven's up.

    As for the Titans that walked the Earth they did indeed.

    Enoch testifies that they grew 3000 feet in Height some Biblical Scholars dispute that claim and say they were nearly 450 feet instead well I've decided too follow Enoch's words why?

    Man took it upon Himself to remove Enoch from The Holy Bible Not, God so I'm going too stick with Enoch's Word's that the Titans stood at the great Height of 3000 feet.

    They were Barbaric, Cruel, oppressive, Tyrannical, Vicious violent, towards Earth's inhabitants and were Cannibals hence the reason the Greeks said that Cronus ate his children now you take all the pictures and art work depicting Cronus eating his children then add 199 more Cronus' doing the same thing not just to their children but too us as well then you get Enoch testimony.

    In other words the Greeks confirm Enoch 1 The Book of The Watchers; this is Earth's sacred History.

    These Titans however are known in Hebrew as Nephilims/Rephalims their nature was all screwed up because their Father's were formerly of The Holy Angels known as The Watchers.

    They could not grasp the Nephilims/Rephalims their wayward nature's.

    Then there's the matter of the Twelve Olympians?

    Officially Enoch provides at least anywhere between 40 to 56 names of the Fallen Watcher Angels that left their Abode in Heaven And came too Earth where they married Human Women and of course the Nephilims/The Rephalims & The Titans whereas The Titans in turn had Children of Their own.

    Now Enoch in all fairness only shares these 40 to 56 names but I do have a feeling we keep reading All the stories out there classified as Myths we'll be able too find the rest of their name's too.

    Thanks too Enoch I now know these Mythical Stories are True.

    I think that the other 144 Fallen Angel's that's out there we're just going to have too figure out their current names and then translate that Name into Hebrew (that's because Enoch 1,Enoch 2 Enoch 3 were written in Hebrew originally but some of The Dead Sea Scrolls had a smattering of Aramaic on those same Scrolls.

    I forgot to share their name's with you give me a moment...

    1. Semyaza or Samjaza
    2. Artaqifa
    3. Armen well that answers where Armenia got their Name!
    4. Kokabel
    5. Turael
    6. Rumjal well now I know where Rum came from!
    7. Danjal
    8. Neqael
    9. Baraqel means Giver of Lightening in Hebrew
    10. Azazel war-god temple discovered in Turkey in 2020.
    11. Armaros well that answers where Amorous originated
    12. Batarjal this maybe that deity baal or Ba'al fallen Angel.
    13. Busasejal
    14. Hananiel
    15. Turel
    16. Simapesiel
    17. Jetrel
    18. Tumael
    19. Turel
    20. Rumael
    21. Azazel Ningirsu war deity His house found in Anatolia, Turkey his picture etched in Stone a Cherub Fallen Angel.
    22. Jeqon led the Angels astray too Sin against God.
    23. Asbeel
    24. Gadreel tricked Eve in Eden He was The Serpentine.
    25. Penemue
    26. Kasdeja
    27. Taba'et
    28. Kasbeel he was Chief of Oaths
    29. Araklba
    30. Rameel
    31. Ramiel
    32. Ramiel
    33. Danel
    34. Daniel
    35. Ezeqiel
    36. Baraqijal
    37. Asael
    38. Zaqiel
    39. Samsapeel
    40. Satarel I think this might be Ares again might be...
    41. Jomjael
    42. Sariel
    43. Shamsiel
    44. Sariel
    45. Sariel
    46. Araqiel
    47. Amezarak
    48. Tamiel
    49. Urukibel
    50. Tamiel
    51. Ezeqiel
    52. Zaqiel
    53. Satal aka Atlas
    54. Yomiel
    55. Daniel
    56. Ananel

    All these names of the Watcher Angels are in Hebrew, but, when the Tower of Babel happened God went in and changed the languages from Hebrew; into many languages so these Angels name's and Their children then changed too.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that they did live here on Earth but because of the multiple Crimes committed against God, Committed against Humanity, and Committed against Nature of course they were in fact dealt with by God their fate is made known in the Epistle of Jude chapter 1.

    As for how their children like Zeus Apollo Ares and the other greek deities because of their Cruel Oppressive Nature they were turned into Evil-Spirits by God this was because of their vile natures that God did this plus this is also an example of God can't be Bought.

    That's all I have too say about the greek Olympians and
    Mt. Olympus, I'm sure as I continue to study Enoch and Jubilees I'll learn more important Biblical Subjects and Topics which is located in God's Country.

    There isn't a rocket or shuttle Man can build too try an reach God's Country for it isn't our time to be there in Heaven.

    Thanks for sharing this article DHTWY.
